View Full Version : what could it be?

28-08-09, 09:50
had the worse night of my life last night, over something most will thing is really silly. my HA is very high at the moment, every little ache, pain, sensation is worrying me half to death. Last night as i led on my left side to go to sleep the top of my arm, nearer to my shoulder felt tender, i got up to have a look, there was nothing there, but there is a tender spot there as if there is a bruise under the skin, i cant remember over the last few days knocking my arm at all, then i started to get a hot sensation travel from that spot in my arm up into the side of my neck, this sent me into an instant panic attack that i couldnt control, after 20 mins i calmed down and tried to rest and forget, i must have drifted off to sleep, but i woke up having a panic attack ( a 1st for me) ive never woke up in a panic before. This morning the tender spot is still there and slight burning sensation. Still extremely worried and just as worried that im going to have another panic attack. Does anyone know what this could be at all? just need abit of reassurance that it isnt an early sign of a heart attack or something!!! Im so tired and drained of all this now, please help in some way. Thank you for reading. Debs xx

28-08-09, 12:39
Anyone?? just a little reasurrance, really scared and panicky over this now!!! Im also getting a hot flowing sensation across my chest now?!! Debs x

28-08-09, 13:48
Hi Debs,
Its all anxiety related and the more you think about these feelings going on in your body the worse they will be. Try to take your mind away if you have time try to go out for a while a nice walk or something just to try to make your mind more peaceful and than maybe you will be able to have a small sleep as all this does make you feel totally exhausted. I wouldnt worry atall about any of the physical symptoms. omg i get terrible symptoms at times with my anxiety but thats all it is once you calm yourself down the feeling will calm down too.. Remember there is absolutely nothing to worry about you will be fine. Try to buy bachs rescue spray from boots its really good i use it alot you just spray it into your mouth its totally natural too...Goodluck hope you feel much better soon x

sarah jayne
28-08-09, 13:58
hi, i was exactly like you last night ! I was making our tea when i noticed a pain in my chest, it got really bad and i had an awful panic attack, my panic attacks always start like that and they always leave me feeling drained and scared of the next one. Ive woken up having a panic attack and i agree its awful, it really scares me. Im currently on citalopram but so far its not helping. I just want to assure you that your not on your own and during panic attacks you can experience awful symptons but they cant harm you, when i have one i just try to think positive and concentrate on my breathing. Hope you feel better soon, take care xx