View Full Version : One day on the up next day down ...

28-08-09, 09:53
Hi, I have anxiety and depression at the moment and i am on Sertraline. One day I think oooh this is going on the up now and the next day or if i am lucky a few days later i wake up and realise it still here.

Does anyone one else experience this. i would be interested to know how you deal with this.



Granny Primark
28-08-09, 10:39
:hugs:Sue ive experienced it for the last 4 years.
One day I feel great and think this is it now ive beaten it but 24 hours later I can feel so down that I cant eat and arnt interested in anything.
I was on citalopram but last Friday was put on setraline.
I was also given diazapan. I was told to take 3 2mg tabs a day.
However Ive just taken one when ive felt really anxious which has really helped me calm down.
I really dont know the answer Sue sorry.
I have on a few occassions rang samaritans and after a good whinge and a cry ive felt better.
I dont feel I can continually burdon my friends and family with my anxiety.
I keep telling myself ive got so much to be thankful for. But sadly that doesnt always help.
My hubby says ive got too much time to think as I can no longer work.
I think hes probably right. But I dont know how I can get my confidence back to go to work.
Have some :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

28-08-09, 11:34
It's the most awful illness!!!!!!!!! I have suffered from depression and GAD for 7+ months. I was worried about my eldest son as he was doing his GCSEs ad had been bullied down the school prompting my first bout of depression (2 years ago). We went through hell - he was suicidal etc.... However he seemed to pick himself up and got 2Bs and 4 Cs and into the National Diploma course he wanted to do!!! But I have been really sick since - V&D, shivering, gaseous, nausea ........ you'd think I'd be relieved but I feel worse. Sorry for ranting and being so negative..............

28-08-09, 11:55
Hi Lyn

Thank you for the hugs, here are some for you too:bighug1:

It really does zap confidence feeling like this doesn't. I have had this for about 10 week now and I have not really been out much. I do go to work but my husband and i have our own small business, the majority of staff have been here for years and so are like family which makes it easier for me in work. Also over the years I have developed a really great friendship with a collegue in the office who is extremely understanding and supportive.

We haven't seen someother friends for sometime now because I have not felt like going out or having other people around me (appart from my husband who has been great and stayed in with me as i do not want to be on my own very often), sooooo by yesterday I had been on the up for a few days and decided I might be able to go out for a meal tonight...you have probably guessed ...today I feel anxious, worrying about intrusive thought etc... I feel as though it would be better for me if I went tonight as it's not good to avoid situations, but its the thought of the panic/anxiety I will have to deal with that makes me think nooooooooooo.

I think your husband is right, if there is too much time to think our brains seem to work overtime with negative thoughts and all the horrid feelings that go with them.

Thank you so much for replying, I really appreciate the support.

I am sure we will get our confidence back, but i guess it just takes time.

Take care

Sue :hugs:

28-08-09, 12:09
Hi Chantelle

Please rant as much as you like because it really is the pits isn't it.

I think that the experience of depression/aniety/panic has such an impact on us humanbeings that even when we recover the fear is still there that it may come back. I guess it is this fear that can become a sticking point on the recovery road. (sorry sounds a bit negative)

The positive and realistic side is that we do recover, and i guess as unpleasent as we all feel now, our hard work and the support from sites like NMP will get us through this.

Being a member of this site is a great help for me, and reading others posts a lot of people feel the same way. So I guess NMP is a step on the road to recovery, joining this site shows we have aknowledged that we have a problem that needs dealing with.

I have a very happy, contented life most of the time, but anxiety and depression turns that on its head!!!!

Thank you for replying, hope you feel less anxious soon.

Sue xxxxxxx :hugs: :hugs:

28-08-09, 12:15
Thanks Sue - we will recover!!!! I'm like you, usually happy & content with life but I feel like I've been in a limbo for 7 months and I'm tired of fighting. I believe that I will be better soon and so will you.

In the meantime.......

A little hug from me to you
to make you smile when you feel blue
to make you happy when you're sad,
to let you know life ain't so bad.
Now I've given a hug to you,
somehow I feel much better too
hugs are better when they're shared.
Hope you have a good day
Thinking of you....


28-08-09, 14:05
Hi all,
this is all fairly new to me, i meen new as in i have never felt depressed in the past, something i have always thanked my lucky stars for.

I have wrote another post saying new to this, but not new to panic and anxiety, have suffered with panic etc for years and years which left me with a crippleing phobia of vomiting, but recently this depression has hit me with a huge thump, it's so scary for me as i am now terrified and bewhildered as to why i have developed it and really don't know much about it either, ignorance is bliss i suppose is what i have thought in the past, i have no way of expressing how dreadful i feel at the moment, i have had to take time off work, something i have never had to do even when my phobia has gripped so badly i have felt at deaths door i still managed to get to work, but this finaly cracked me and i have had to take time off.
I suppose without going on and on i'm just asking for some answers/support in this desperate time, i'm so scared of these feelings i don't even know if other people have them? the most frightening thing is i keep having the same re-occuring thoughts horrible thoughts for no reason, thinking i'm going to harm myself, even though i don't want to, i think i'm going to do it without even realising, but these thoughts are so vivid i have ran a whole senario through my head and am now convinced that i'm going to carry it out so so scared, I'm not on my own i have a great partner but he finds things hard to understand but does his very best for me and tries his best to reasure me.
I went to see the doc yeserday who has prescribed some anti depressants for me, citalopram 10mg once a day a low dose because i said i wouldn't take a high dose so i wanted the lowest poss i also told him i wouldn't take them anyway becasue i have read the side effects and saw the word suicide, oh dear i just want to cry i am so scared i want it to end, i know i'm rambleing and probebly boring all of you but i really would appriciate some help or advice that may bring me some respite.

Please don't think i don't realise how lucky i am that i have only been suffering for a month as i know many of you have suffered far worse for far longer and i would love to give you all my full support and a huge hug.
Sharon x

28-08-09, 14:07
exactly the same with me for the past week

I have beed in sort of relapse one week ago having intensive panic attacks daily for a week
then started getting them under control and the next week spent trying to gain my confidence back, but it is really hard.

Yesterday I was good, just a bit jumpy,
today woke o too late and have been in a bit of anxiety
later felt asleep again - which is uncommon for me, and still have a very heavy head and with the anxiety in the forehead.
I dont really know why...

MAybe its like that:
one day 1 step forward
next day 2 steps back
next day 3 steps forward
next day 1 step back

and so on
so eventually we are still progressing

28-08-09, 14:37
Hi Everyone

Thanks for replying. Sharon I have been suffering with intrusive thoughts also. I did when I had depression 13 years ago, exactly the same thought as you are having...I wasn't suicidal but just scared of the "what if i did" thoughts I was having.

These went away after the depression/anxiety subsided. I have had them at odd times since but only when i have been stressed and I was able to disregard them.

I now have depression/anxiety again and i am getting intrusive thoughts. "What if I hurt someone / my husband" the thoughts are very scary and i am trying to deal with them at the moment.

Reading through this site though it seems as like many people suffer from intrusive thoughts. I don't feel quite so odd and isolated now. It would be good to hear more on this subject too.

As Thumbalina says recovery seems like two steps forward and one back.

Hope this helps in someway

Take care

Sue xxxxx

28-08-09, 15:30

we all will get over this but it's so frustrating. It literally is taking 1 day at a time. You can't rush it - I know when I was first sick (7+months ago) I thought I'd never stick another day - but I've stuck months. On a bad day it's hard to see the progress but keep a diary and look at it in a few months time and you'll be amazed at the way you've progressed. It's just believing that because a day starts off bad it dosen't need to remain like that. Write your thoughts down and then challenge them!!!!!!!!! The chatroom is good to go to if you are feeling bad as people there will help you see these thoughts for what they are......

Good luck and take care....

A little hug from me to you
to make you smile when you feel blue
to make you happy when you're sad,
to let you know life ain't so bad.
Now I've given a hug to you,
somehow I feel much better too
hugs are better when they're shared.
Hope you have a good day
Thinking of you....


28-08-09, 20:35
I have found writing all your negative thoughts and worries can help a lot. Seeing them on paper can reduce their "scale" in your mind, making you feel like they are manageable. This has helped me a lot. The additional benefit is you then know exactly what to deal with and you can put them in order of worst to least damaging.

I still find I have ups and downs and I believe it's part of the recovery process. At least you do spend some time feeling good!