View Full Version : feeling sick

28-08-09, 12:15
suddenly on my way back from work, i feel my throat so so itchy, and keep on coughing till now, it felt so itchy, scratchy feeling, hope not serious. could it be i've not been drinking enough water.

28-08-09, 12:39
Have a drink and see how you are .Getting anxious about it will make it worse .When you cough and feel nervous it can sometimes make you feel sick .Try relaxing ,have a nice soak in the bath and do some deep breathing through your nose and out through your mouth for a few minutes .If your throat still feels scratchy ,sucking some honey and lemon throat sweets should ease it . Take care Sue

28-08-09, 15:47
thanks, i am very tired, sick and burnout and feeling terrible, i am so worried abt so much things, and have to go to work everyday and face same thing, it is so sickening, i wish i can take a year off from work. i got a feeling if i am not working things will be better for me.

28-08-09, 18:15
It must be very hard for you Alba .Im sure you would feel better if you didnt hate your job and the people so much .Isnt there anywhere else that maybe you could find another job ? We all need money but if its affecting our health so much ,something has to change or we get worse .When that happens you arent fit to work anyway .Surely there must be another way to earn enough to survive , perhaps a different kind of job .?At least you wouldnt be feeling like this all the time . Take care and try to have a good w/e Sue x

28-08-09, 22:53

Maybe you have a little bug or virus. Not everything is anxiety related.
If you feel no better tomorrow the perhaps contact your GP for advice!

Take care

28-08-09, 23:03
sounds like my hayfever ...:-(

28-08-09, 23:48

I see you post a lot

Have you taken any advice and done the correct breathing and relaxation tapes?

Are you eating more healthy food?

29-08-09, 01:57
yeah but i really don't know how to do the breathing exercises, i tried but fail, sometimes, i can't even breathe properly becos i am alays out of breathe nowadays, like i can't even control my own breathing, then i get so frustrated and very sick, at nite i cn't breathe properly like something else is controlling my breathe. i am worried scared at a times. i don't know what causes all hise, i am worried abt my health esp the choleseterol high , i am worried abt i hate going to work, alot of bullies there, i am tired of going ot work like i like to be a full time housewife taking care of kids and houses, i like to do something else than working, i feel bored at work, becos i feel no one appreciate me there, before i work so hard but now i am sick, i am considered as not good nad got bad review so i am stress abt that, causing me to hate going to work, just feeling of unfair, could that be the reason why i am so sick, my heart is also beating fast. could it all be cos by me hating my job so much, feeling of unfairness and alot of builies ppl there.making me having high bp cholesterol, giddy, dizzy, depression, sick?

30-08-09, 02:31
can u not look for another job? it seems like your job plays a big part in your problems.

I cant see how u can move forward unless u deal with this.

You mention bullies? Have u spoken to anyone senior at your work about this?

mandie x

30-08-09, 08:08
thanks, but i am not happy at work at all, my heart sank so deeply each time i go to work, becos i am so stress with a bully there, it make me fall to depression sick and as i am medical leave for long days, it affect my review and i got bad review becos of that, so i am quite sad, disappointed and broken, i 've been working hard before, and now got someone that i dislike that work quite close with me, the person is quite manipulative, cunning and is stressing me alot, one after another , so very hateful to go to work, but if i don't go to work, i hv no money, and now jobs are so so hard to get, and my parents, families all are aganist of me stopping work, if i can i want to stop right away and stop meeting all those toxic ,sickening mean people, but i 've to work and thinking of it make me so sick, stress and so much resentment.

i guess that contributed to my sickness, do u think if i stop working i can get cured? thks. i don't know how to find a way to convince every body to let me stop work. they r so worried i will not have money to eat the next day.

31-08-09, 04:45
this morning i am on the phone with someone that is stressing me a bit, then after putting down the phone, i felt headache but not head pain just feeling like head wanting to explode butnot pain, then i feel dizzy, light headed. and i can't listen to any more calls, talk or question, imust walk away from my place, if i hear more call, talking or questioning , i will be dizszy.

beside that i 've been feeling very very sleepy now. i don't know wht is that, is it hypertension?

feel dizzy a bit, very light headed.