View Full Version : Feeling awful most of the time

Sarah Virginia
28-08-09, 14:09
I have been suffering from panic attacks and anxiety for over nine months now. Tried lots of medication and am now on beta blockers, anti depressants and tranquilizers when I need them. I feel that I am not all there - looking down on myself. Feeling dizzy and sick and thinking I am either going to pass out or die on the spot. I am on Lustral anti depressants and have been for two weeks and the Doc said that the symptoms will pass eventually - will they? I am feeling really miserable and wonder if I will ever be my old self again. Feel like giving up and crawling in a hole and never come out again. Any suggestions please?:weep:

28-08-09, 14:47
What you feel like now is a perfectly normal reaction to the medication.It will pass once your body has got used to them .Try to keep occupied and not focus so much on the symptoms if you can .Once the right dose has settled you will feel more like your old self ,please believe me.It can take 4-6 weeks for the dose to settle and be effective ,but some of the side effects will have dissapeared by then .Take care and be patient ,Iknow how hard it is ,but it will be worth it .Hugs Sue x:hugs:

Sarah Virginia
28-08-09, 16:09
Thank you for your kind words I will keep going. I love the quote I will remember that.


28-08-09, 16:13
It's the most awful feeling when you feel like you do at the moment, it seems as though you are going to feel that way forever, but you won't. Medication takes time to work and it does take quite a few weeks. I was in your position 18 months ago, so I do know what you are going through. Just let time pass and try to accept that it will get better. When I was in group therapy a few years ago, one of the psychiatrists said "When you are in the desert and there is a sand storm, pull a blanket over your head and let the storm pass", that saying has helped on a few occasions when I have been really down. Hope it helps you. The symptoms you have are not nice and I would think that the majority of us who use this site have experienced what you are suffering and you have our support:hugs: