View Full Version : Hello Everyone!

28-08-09, 14:14
Just a little note to introduce myself! My name is Helen and I am a 26 year old lecturer who is currently suffering from anxiey/depression. I am not a new sufferer, and am happy to give advice, as well as recieve it. If i can help anyone then happy to do so!! Look forward to meeting you all -in the virtual sence anyway!!


28-08-09, 18:07
Hi Hells :welcome:
Was great to find a post from someone my age who seems to suffer the same kind of problems as I do. I imagine that being a lecturer you find your depression and anxiety can be extremely interfering but I think it's so amazing that you're able to hold down such a responsible and demanding position. Glad to see you here.


28-08-09, 18:19
Thank you very much, Anxiety definatly does not worry about the age of people it buggs!! I am not normally anxious so my job is fine, but at the moment I am dreading the start of term! However, the learners prove an excellent source of destraction! I could easily talk to a room of 200 people, but sorting myself out is another mater altogther! Lets all work together to make a difference!!


28-08-09, 19:12
Welcome Helen!

I'm the opposite, I'm a student studying a foundation degree and I can't talk infront of a group of people! I wish I could though!

I'm dreading the start of term aswell but looking forward to the laughter.

Dani x

28-08-09, 22:45
I seem to be able to cope when I'm in a group of poeple, than to be on my own and have to deal with myself.
I think people are thinking I am ok but I'm not, so it makes me worry.
Does that make sence?

Veronica H
29-08-09, 09:13
:welcome: to NMP Hells. Glad that you have found us.
