View Full Version : How To Trust The Doctor And Let Go

28-08-09, 14:36
In my anxiety hypo ridden mess lately I freaked myself out into thinking that my normal lumpy breasts could be bad lumps. I probably freaked myself out over 6 different places. I am 36 and had my first baseline mammogram a year ago and it was fine, plus I get my yearly GYN check every February and they have never felt any problems. My GYN told me way on my first visit that I have dense breasts and I should take Vitamin E and avoid caffeine.

I made an appt with my primary doctor who I have known since I was 9 for anxiety meds and a physical and an apt with my GYN for a breast exam.

I went to my primary on Tuesday, he went over meds, therapy, how the brain works, and then asked me to show him all the spots on my body I was worried about. He checked and said everything is fine. He said the spot I am focusing on my breast is just dense fiberous tissue and I have that on both sides. My mother has the same thing. He said it is nothing to worry about at all.

Two days later after I couldn't sleep for some reason I started to poke and prod my breasts again and felt more of these same spots. I know he told me I have them, but I still freaked out. I called him and he had me come back in.

This time he had me lay down on the table and he did a complete exam of both breasts. He then checked each spot I had and said these are all the same thing. You have dense breasts, these are not suspicious lumps. He said you are just fine. He even said "If you were my daughter on the table, I wouldn't hesitate in telling her the same thing". He said you need to give the meds time to work and get involved in things to keep you busy and no more poking and prodding. I asked him if I still needed my GYN appt on Monday. He said "No, you are fine, it is unnecessary."

So its the next day and I need to cancel the GYN apt. Why does this make me sick to my stomach to do so? I don't want to keep running around for more reassurance, plus who knows if me going to my GYN on Monday will still give me reassurance, in fact just thinking of going to another doctor stresses me out. I know that multiple doctors visits and all this reassurance is the worst thing to fuel health anxiety. But I guess I want to make sure at the same time I am doing the right thing. If cancelling my emergency GYN apt and trusting my primary is what everyone thinks I should do, then I will do it and deal with it. My new therapist appt is also Monday.

28-08-09, 15:14
Well it sounds to me you are perfectly fine and you have a pretty damn good GP to do these things for you. If you feel you don't need to go after being told by your GP not to, then phone up and cancel, but if you got a bit of anxiety about it all, just go for peace of mind, it won't hurt afterall, and maybe the same outcome this time would really help you along.

It's all down to personal preference at the end of the day, but everyone will tell you, if you have been given the ok on more than one occasion, you're fine :)

28-08-09, 15:54
My family feels that no matter how many doctors I go to I will find something to not be sure about. I need to go to therapy and get the meds in my system and work on my head instead.

So I called and cancelled the gyn apt. I need to trust him and work on getting better mentally. Its hard, but I have to do it.