View Full Version : Neck and Shoulder tension

12-10-05, 22:36
Does neck and shoulder tension ever leave? I have had it for about three years. It is in my temple as well. My anxiety is better. I do in the back of my mind worry a little about sudden or unanwered pain but I do get by day to day and live a normal life.
I do massage and chiropractor and soak in a hot tub regularly. Is there something I am missing?
Do you think the fear i hold is still causing this tension.



12-10-05, 22:44
Hi TT,
I get alot of neck and shoulder tension and see a chiropractor regularly too. Mine does get better for a while here and there but anxiety can make those areas tense, it's a very sommon area to have tension in. Even using a computer alot can cause it too. It seems you're doing the right things with the chiropractor and massage and hot tubs. Do you do any stretching exercises for those areas, or yoga. I've heard those things can help.

Sue K with 5
12-10-05, 22:48

Anxiety is one of the cause of neck and back tension, it is especially worse when you sleep at night, because you tend to have disturbed sleep and the tension can feel worse as the day goes on, especially if you sit at a desk or you do a job which does not enable you to relax, try relaxations CD's and also exercise can reduce the tension as well,

Good luck

Sue with 5


13-10-05, 08:02
hi tt

i also get a lot of upper back and neck/shoulder tension and i was told by my gp its all down to stress and anxiety - i normally take a soak in a warm bath that sometimes helps me or i listen to some relaxing music

hope this might help

best wishes


There is light at the end of the tunnel its just fiding it thats the hard part