View Full Version : Fuzzy head, back pains, confusion, dreamy, fatigue

12-10-05, 22:56
I feel so strange lately...
I feel as if though there is a buzzing in my head, and my entire scalp feels tight...My lower neck upper back hurts...almost like its the tip of my spine that is killing me...My back feels sore, I feel so dreamy, things seem dim and unreal. I sleep, but I always feel so tired. My test results were fine...I don't know what it could be. I fear having seizures or strokes...I've never had em before...but thats usually always on my mind. I don't know what to do anymore, i'm tired of feeling tired like this always...Anyone go though this? anyone know how i can get rid of this??


12-10-05, 23:02
I also find myself biting down a lot...Clenching my teeth sort of thing...


Sue K with 5
12-10-05, 23:03
Hi Shay

When you get one of these attacks try putting on some relaxtion music, sit in a room and do some deep breathing exercises, this will help You with all the symptoms and help with the feeling of tiredness

If the symptoms persist go and speak to your GP she might have some other ideas

Dont panic these symptoms are not necessarily life threatening they are part of the anxiety circle and the panic brings out the physical symptoms

Relax and enjoy some time out

Sue with 5


13-10-05, 03:37
Hi Shannon -
Alot of what you are discribing seems to me to be tension related (the neck and back pain, scalp feeling tight and the clenching of your teeth). I get this from time to time and I have found that as I have gotten my anxiety somewhat under control that I don't have the muscle and tension problems anymore. I have also had the fatigue problem which sometimes still gets the better of me. The only thing I can really suggest is to try warm baths(altho I know you're not a big fan of long baths) and maybe meditation(it works wonders for me)
If you need me - I'm ALWAYS here for ya
Love ya !!!


If the world didn't suck... we'd all fall off :)

13-10-05, 08:05
hi shannon

what you have desribed sounds like tension to me as i get upper back tension and neck and shoulder tension

what i sometimes do is have a nice soak in a warm bath or listen to some relaxing music that sometimes helps aswell

hope this helps

all the best


There is light at the end of the tunnel its just fiding it thats the hard part

13-10-05, 14:43
Muscle tension and possible start of TMJ stress .

Massage, exercise, relaxation and a visit to the dentist for a mouth guard.

Fatigued Muscles (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2702)
aching muscles (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3356)
very strange panic attack symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5071)
tense muscles (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3766)
Are these heart symptoms? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4805)
Achy (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5488)
Everything aches - what can I do (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1575)

Pain in Jaw,cheek bones and around eyes (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2475)
Another little question (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3787)
Achy neck and jaw (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2938)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

15-10-05, 20:59
Try putting a hot water bottle on the back of your neck - I find it works wonders for head/neck pain in fact I can't remember the last time I took pain killers for that kind of pain

27-11-05, 11:31

Mines exactly the same headches are easing off alot more now but the tightness on my head and light headedness continues.

You've had all the tests done which should ease your fears of there being anything serious its now about self help and accepting the symptoms for what they are, anxiety.

Exercise seems to be a good leveller for me but staying positive that it will pass even more so.

good luck and take care


17-09-06, 15:53
i think you will find its tension , brought on by resisting the anxiety ,, adding second fear about the tension ,, knoledge is a wonderful thing shay1213



april tones
21-09-06, 00:17
I get the same shay!! your not alone xx

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

07-09-10, 01:24
Hi everyone

I was experiencing these same symptoms. I started getting symptoms of fuzzy head, poor concentration, dizziness about 6 years ago. In the past 3 years it seems to have become worse – so bad that I was becoming quite depressed, was reluctant to drive due to the feelings of fuzziness/ cognitive impairment. I didn’t feel like socialising with friends because I was having difficulty with speech and articulating my words. At work I struggled everyday to keep up with managing my work, using all my energy to try to keep focused on my work. Conducting meetings was hell!!

I promised myself if I were to ever find some relief from my symptoms I would come back to these posts to hopefully assist others with the same symptoms.

Two weeks ago a friend gave me a book about food intolerances. It’s called “Food Intolerance” by John Hunter MD, Virginia Alun Jones MD, Elizabeth Workman RD, first published in 1986. I decided that it was worth a try to do their ‘Exclusion Diet’. It was quite difficult for the first week (modifying my diet) and also about the fourth day I got what felt like a really severe head cold. It got a lot of mucus from my nose, extremely blocked nose and headaches. The head cold lasted about 5 days! I think this was my body trying to detox.

Since I started a diet excluding all wheat and oats in particular, every day I am feeling better and better. My diet has mainly consisted of rice products (rice bubbles for breakfast), salads, steamed vegies, boiled potatoes, and grilled meats such as chicken and beef. I have also been eating canned tuna. I have found that I get fuzziness symptoms following eating bread, muffins, oats. At the moment I am having milk in small quantities, but when I started the diet I only took rice milk. So far, dairy doesn’t appear to be causing me to feel fuzzy.

I was reading about coeliac’s disease this morning and some of the symptoms include dizziness, fatigue etc. I have not tested for this disease, but I plan to in the near future. I think it would help to put a name to my symptoms and take more control of my health and life.

I should note that I have had suspicions about wheat allergy for some time, but when I got an allergy test I wasn’t ‘allergic’, however I have since learned that ‘allergies’ and ‘intolerances’ are different. Intolerances won’t be picked up in an allergy test. The best way to test is to exclude it from your diet for some time and see if your symptoms disappear.

I’ve only been doing this diet for two weeks now, but I am feeling so much better! I actually feel happy again. I am less moody and impatient. I am able to concentrate on things, more sociable, doing more things that I love such as walking and driving. I am having less cravings for oily, fatty, baked foods.

Please don’t despair. Like you, I was absolutely desperate to get my life back. It is worth trying to alter your diet to see if you too are intolerant to some food/s which may be causing you these symptoms. I know that I am intolerant to wheat and oats. I will get tested for coeliacs disease. I wish you all the best, and hope that you may be free from these debilitating symptoms too.

08-09-10, 23:32
I have had simila, but mine was all brought on with feelig so overburdend with the responsibility for my son 7 who has ADHD, also i have teens with ADHD to, and a house half full of ADHD can become very noisy and very stressful at times, last year i was struggling so much, that i constantly felt ill, i was having panic attacks, and feeling sick, ai had the shakes, and worried each day that i would end up having a stroke or heart attack, i couldnt relaxe at all i was so churned up, tight chest struggled to breath propy, clenched jaw, clenched hands.. i was a nervous wreck, and i had to teach my self how to breath proply, i had to remind myself to relaxe my hands and my jaw, and allow my body to just relaxe, i would have a daily bubbe bath with lemon or lavender oil, insense sticks, and just totally relaxe in the bath, and for 20 mins, forget about everything, and totally empty my mind, i would also massage my feet in the bath to, and spend time pampering myself, i used to add a few drops of geranium oil to a unperfumed body cream, this really did give me a boost, and 20 mins a day to yourself is very important, more if you can manage it, and try get yourself a very quiet place, no tv no phone, no door bell, no computor.. just total quietness, also, and i know this will sound silly lol, but go into your garden and pick up a handfull of soil and just play with it in your hands, dig your hands deep into the soil and you will be amazed of how this realaxes you, this is why most gardeners love gardening, as it jsut takes you far away lol, and allows your mind to feel free for a while... if youve had stress in your life, or a lot of worries and unfinished busness, then this is the time to get pen to paper, and one by one, start to tick of of the little things which need doing, get the little things out of the way, and youl be amazed at how much lighter you may feel, for example, it could be something like a caboard nees sorting out which you never get round to doing, or the garden needs weeding, or your sick of walking past something each day in the house which annoys teh hell out of you lol, which you keep saying each day, that youl do it later, ive done it myself lol, and it does ya brain in, and all these silly little things build up, and can make us ill... worrying about things can send us into a quivvering mess, ive been there, i passed out at xmas, and it was all just tention, coz i was in apanic, coz i was struggling with my kids, and my house was a tip, and i wnated to do everything all at once, but im okishh now, i think lol, but ive got my lists of things to do, and changes i want to make with my lifestyle, cutting out tea and coffee and suger, which was another thing making me so ill, to much suger can poison your system, and caffeen is just like a drug, can be worse tahn heroin, so i have heard lol... not good, we just dont realise how we are all poisioning our selfs slowly with certain foods we are taking into our bodies, so drinking planty of water, and fruit and veg, is a nessesity each day, and to get our selfs back into perfect health, and we can all do this, we just need to become more organised, and most of all, try and be more happy within ourselfs, i think a part of myself was giving up, the light that shined so bright in me, was going out, and i felt liek i was slowly dying, but i rekindled taht light, i had to fight to get mysefl were i am now, and im still fighting, and we all must keep fighting all of the time to stay on top of things, other wise we slowly go under, until there is hardly nothing left of us at all. xxxxxxxxx