View Full Version : panic attack when falling asleep

28-08-09, 17:20
hi , i dont know if I am alone in this ,i feel I am . I have panic attacks when I am falling asleep ,i can feel calm and fine in the day ,but have had general anxiety disorders in the past .I can handle a panic attack in the day when I am wide awake and alert ,they still frighten me but i regonise it for what it is and do my breathing exercises and calm myself down ,but what gets me is when I am half asleep and they happen ,it feels like im being suffocated and I jolt upright out of bed . It has been happening more and more ,because it is more and more on my mind throughout the day wondering if i am going to have one that night ,they are scary . Does anyone or has anyone else suffered from this sort of panic disorder ?:weep:

28-08-09, 17:42

This happens to me fairly regularly and it scares the s@!*out of me, it;s very frightening, it has been happening on and off for years now, and happens more when i am extra stressed. i jolt upright gasping for breath as i think i am about to stop breathing or my heart is about to stop. i have thought about it a lot and i think i know whats happening, i think because i am tense anxious in my waking hours, as i try to go to sleep my body and mind are not used to feeling or being relaxed, i think my mind registers it as something abnormal because it feels strange to be relaxed, immediately that sends my mind /body into a panic and i jump bolt upright terrified, i think this explaination makes sense to me, is this the same thing as you?

P x

28-08-09, 18:20
thank you ,that has made complete sense to me ,i think you are right ,and the more i get worked up about it in the day the more its likely that it will happen in the night ,but the question is how do I stop it and control it .Its like going round in a vicious circle .

28-08-09, 21:29

One of the things that might help, is to do regular relaxation excerises , so that your body/mind gets used to being in a more relaxed state more often, also make sure that you do what you can to make yourself as relaxed and comfortable as possible at bedtime. it might not take it away completely but it will still be doing you good, and anything is worth a try.

Good luck

P x

Flying Badger
29-08-09, 00:55
Hiya Kirstie.

I have exactly the same problem, and have done on and off for a couple of years. It's being a real pain in the backside latley too. I find it really frustrating, as I find it difficult to sleep at the moment anyway.

I don't really have any advice I'm afraid - this problem is something I've not (yet) learned to deal with very well. The only thing that seems to help me, even if only a little, is that I don't actually go to bed until I have drifted to sleep on the sofa. Personally, I then find it easier to fall back to sleep once I have staggered upstairs, half-asleap. Probably no use to many others, but if nothing else, I can join others in reassuring you that you're not on your own!



29-08-09, 01:49
I have the exact same thing too hun, and because now i associate sleep with the panic, im having them more and more, i find if you break the pattern and sleep in other ppls houses the odd nite or in different room, i find they happen a lot less when i get back into my own bed as the association seems to fade away slightly! Dont worry your not alone....it drives me crazy too! xxx

29-08-09, 15:35
leanne thats what im doing ,im alright when im sat up in bed watching the tele ,but now even when i lie down ready to go to sleep i feel it starting . I am getting really fed up of it ,but thanks guys its definatley good to know im not on my own with this .

30-08-09, 21:32
my mind and body,just dont know how to relax anymore,my life is a real mess,since these panic attacks,iv become moody,and dont really enjoy anyone's company,because i feel if you haven't been through this,they really cant understand,thats why i was hoping to talk to people on here,who are in the same boat as me.


01-09-09, 01:55
Are you on medication of any kind to help stop the nightly panic attacks? I had them nightly and finally switched my bed to a different bedroom which seemed to break the cycle for now...but I'm not sure if it will last.
I'd suggest you see your doctor about this and find something that will help you out... it is a vicious cycle and needs to be broken sooner than later.
Try meditating at night to see if that helps you out.. or taking inositol. *see PsychoPoet's citalapram guide for more information on Inositol.*