View Full Version : Hello everyone

28-08-09, 17:41
Hi everybody:)
I'm 27 year old PhD student who is currently writing a thesis. I've suffered from depression since I was 19. Things got incredibly low two years ago when my father was killed in a forestry accident. Since then life has been a series of ups and downs. I tried Prozac for a year but I felt it didn't agree ith me. I think it's high time I found somehere where I can talk with people who know how debillitating depression can be as I find it hard to talk to those around me.

Hugs all around

freudian nightmare
28-08-09, 20:46
I too suffer with depression and find it difficult to talk about with others as it's such a misunderstood illness. I hope you find the site a help and i'm sure you'll get lots of support from other sufferers. Best wishes x

28-08-09, 21:04
Hi Ladybutterfly and :welcome:

Glad you found us, i too have suffered from depression and anxiety for many years, this is a great site for advice and support, or just airing your thoughts.

Best wishes

P x

28-08-09, 23:02
Thanks for everyone's replies. I've felt like I've been slipping down into depression again. I've not been into uni the past couple of days because I've just been feeling so down. I have to get a bus for an hour and a half to get to uni everyday and often I just can't face it :wacko: . I also have been staying up all night dwelling and sleeping in through the morning. Throughout suffering from depression I personally have always found mornings incredibly difficult. I was really wondering if anyone could associate with these feelings?
Again thanks for kind replies, i feel really welcome here.


Veronica H
29-08-09, 09:11
:welcome: to NMP. Many of us can Identify with the way you are feeling.There is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes called 'self help for your nerves', published by Thorsons. This is available from the NMP Shop. Her work can also be downloaded free to your MP3 from the shop. I can't recommend this enough, as it really explains what is happening to us, and how we can recover.


freudian nightmare
29-08-09, 11:46
Hello again,
My recent experience of depression is my first and i hope my last, as it is the worst feeling i've ever had. I've suffered with anxiety and panic before and had times where i've felt low but this is sooooo different from that. I'm not saying that anxiety is a doddle or anything cos i've had that too, but it's just a horrible feeling. And yes i too feel worse morning time, i wake up earlier than usual and feel anxious and irritable. I am finding it hard to feel positive about any aspect of my life at the moment and mornings seem to affect me the most i dread them. It's that feeling of hopelessness and helplessness that i find so debilitating and that it will never go away. I hope i haven't depressed you even more but i suppose i'm just saying i understand and can relate to your suffering, although i know everyones experience with depression/anxiety is different but even so we can all try to help and support each other through it. Take care x