View Full Version : Bit of advice please.

28-08-09, 17:52
Hey all!

Im feeling pretty good atm, so thought would be the right time to talk about the problem.

So. My OCD started as being worried about becoming a peadophille. That drifted. Then it was worrying about dieing which i still have from time to time. Then the problem now is wondering if life is a big dream. It sounds silly but its what i think. Im always questioning is this real, or my imagination. Its a bit freaky to tell the truth.

I have been to the doctors 3 times. 1st time doc said i jus need to do more because it was bad anxiety. 2nd time he said i should try anxiety councelling. Then the 3rd time i saw a differant doctor and she said it was Anxiety and put me on Fluoxtine which made me ALOT worse, and i had to see a emergency doctor. He gave me diazapam and then i have something else starting tomorow, he said i was servely depressed...

This all started from a drunken night and telling a close friend i had feelings for her, she didnt fele the same, and now we dont really talk. . .

The doctors dont think its OCD, so could i just be a weird/ bad spell of anxiety? I have a group anxiety councelling thing start next Wednesday so ill give that a go.

I just want your views on this? What i can do? Plus, is it OCD?

Another thing i think about alot is how the world started, what happens when we die? Its a bit weird. But its like i think i imagine life?

TY for any answers.


28-08-09, 18:01
It sounds like anxiety and/or depression to me BUT I am not a doctor. Take care of yourself and try to write down the negative thoughts and challenge them - easier said than done!!!!! Try positive affirmations when your mind starts to wander. If I could take my own advice I'd be already better!!!!!!