View Full Version : Meningitis Vaccine

28-08-09, 18:09
Apparently I need one before Uni (3 weeks away). I werent going to have it done but then reading the paper earlier I seen a big article about it and now Im scared so have to get it done.

I am TERRIFIED of needes. Blood tests are bad enough, But at least they are only taking and not putting something insde you. I cant take medication, How the hell will I survive a vaccine.

I almost fainted in school when I had the TB injection. My freind said I turned green and when I Stood up I felt all heavy, everything echoing and I felt sick. I walked back into the nurses room and just didnt see the table, I walked into it, only slowly, and just toppled on to it lol. I thought I was going to die.

Anyway, That has made me scared of getting this done.

Anyone have any tip?

How many people do you know who have gotten ill or fainted from the meningitis needle?


29-08-09, 12:39

29-08-09, 13:25
Hi there :) I got the vaccine way back when I was eight or nine, I have to say from memory it wasn't that bad at all. Yes a bit sore but that was all. However when I got my HPV last year, I was shaking, dizzy, I felt the floor swaying beneath me, my heart was pounding - a panic attack in other words, because I got in such a state about side effects I then felt dizzy because i was so anxious but I was convinced this was a side effect when then ended up with me panicing. I'm sure you'll be fine - maybe take someone with you? Out of every injection I've had the meningitis one was probably the least sore; it was fine apart from a bit of a bruise on my arm. Please don't worry, and don't google side effects because that's what set me off!!! Go in thinking positively and you will be fine - and besides, even if you do faint, what's the worse that can happen? Good luck :)

As for tips - no googling, let the nurse know you're a bit nervous - they got to me to do breathing exercises with the last 2 HPV jabs, try not to think about the injection (talk to the nurse about something completely different during the jab) and don't look at the needle - find something on the wall to focus on!