View Full Version : Symptoms without feeling anxious ?

28-08-09, 19:36
Hi everyone, just wondering if anyone else has this, sometimes I seem to get the physical symptons of anxiety when I dont feel particular anxious at the time in that I am not overly worrying about anything, and yet I still seem to get the symptons that then make me worry there is something else. Hope this makes sense, wondering if anyone else has this ?

28-08-09, 19:39
Glad I'm not the only one, sorry RJP:blush: I'm the same sometimes, but then I get anxious cause I have the symptoms which makes is even worse!!

My only thought on this is that we are kinda anxious & tense without knowing it, it can be the only explanation I think.

You are not alone.


28-08-09, 19:44
Hi, thanks for taking the time to reply, what you say does make sense maybe we just anxious all the time and dont realise as its become the norm for us. Just drives me crazy that I just dont seem to be able to control my thoughts and that.

Rachel x

28-08-09, 21:06
this is extremely common. Many times people are diagnosed with anxiety without realising they even had it! This can be why people question the doctors. You are not alone!

28-08-09, 21:13
i allso get symtoms with out geting anxiety then i get anxiety lol

28-08-09, 22:11
HA presents real pain and symptoms without anxiety too.

28-08-09, 22:17

As "pinkfairy" said, this is very common. You don't need to be in a state of anxiety and panic mode in order to feel the symptoms.

CBT tends to look at it as a thought process and overcome it from that direction. Perhaps some sort of learned behaviour that has to be rebalanced.

28-08-09, 22:44
Yep, get this a lot since everything kicked off a month ago.

Occasionally I get proper anxiety attacks, but most of the time it's just purely symptoms for seemingly no reason at all. There's no underlying worry.

The way I look at it is everything started with odd symptoms I couldn't explain which kicked off a real anxiety/panic attack, and since then the body is hyper sensitive to every little thing even if I'm seemingly relaxed.

Though it doesn't mean I'm not stressed though. I just don't notice. What I do notice is if I'm outside of my normal daily routine, outside and doing something relaxing or active then the symptoms go away. My normal working day isn't obviously stressful, but it must be stressful to the body given the symptoms I get.

Another thought is stress builds up and even though I relax later, the body over reacts to the previous stress.

28-08-09, 23:36
Yep, symptoms (of one form or another) are pretty much constant, but if I felt anxiety constantly I would have gone mad long ago! You're not the only one!

29-08-09, 02:52
Sometimes without the panic attacks I just can feel really tired, and overall down about everything.