View Full Version : help me put a positive spin on this please guys

28-08-09, 21:13
hi guys i am fairly new to headaches although used to get migraines when i was young. i know you cant give me medical advice but wanted to ask your opinion.

i went to the doctors because i was having a slight headache on the left side of my head for a couple of weeks and was taking paracetamol and co codamol to get rid of it. it wasnt a horrible headache only a nuisance after 3 weeks she gave me a another painkiller to shift it but after taking it i woke up with a proper bad headache and then stopped taking painkillers all together.

through research on the internet i bumped into the concept of rebound/medication overuse headache and thought o my god what have i done to myself i didnt even really need those stupid painkillers its was probably just a stress headache.

now since stopping the painkillers i have had worse headaches daily and this has gone on for a month.

do u think i am suffering from rebound headaches and will they go away

the doctor has sent me to a neurologist anyway for october

thanks in advanced guys

28-08-09, 21:45
Hi there

Do you suffer from anxity? Anxiety or stress related anxiety can cause tension headaches. It could also be something simple like needing glasses, not eating properly or a million other simple causes. i have no idea about the meds hun but the more you worry, the more you will stress and the more you stress, the more it will effect you! vicious circle unfortunately!!

I hope you feel better soon :flowers:


29-08-09, 21:20
Be wary of co-codomol as the codeine will indeed contribute towards rebound headaches.

Headaches are like anxiety in the sense that they self-feed on thoughts and the easiest way to rid yourself is simply get through one and tell yourself that if another one comes its fine. Accept that you have them and in time they will go.

Deep breaths is so cliche but trust me it works, me being on oxygen knows the importance of such things :D