View Full Version : I'm new and have some questions

28-08-09, 22:14
I have suffered panic attacks, deperssion and anxiety for 20 years on and off (mostly on). I am now 40.
I have been on Prozac for the last 5 years, 1x20mg a day.
I was put on 2x20mg a day a month ago, as I was suffering really bad with anxiety attacks and depression
My Dr has now prescribed Seroxat "as the Prozac does not seem to be working anymore",
and I am kind of scared to take it after reading all the negative information.
Can anyone please enlighten me, before I actually start to take them?
I am concerned about stopping the Prozac and starting the Seroxat straight away and how this is going to effect me
or if there is going to be any effect at all.
I am sure I'm not the only, and I hope this is the place to get some help.
I would like some advise and am looking forward to speaking to other sufferers as well.

28-08-09, 22:19
Sorry I can't help but I refused to take it following its bad press.

Veronica H
29-08-09, 09:18
:welcome: to NMP. I took Seroxat for a few months and it did lift my mood. The problem for me came when I with drew from it and Ihad a very bad time as it left my system. We are all different though. I am now taking Citalopram 10mg which suits me better.


29-08-09, 17:26
Hi, whilst I appreciate it may have differing effects on different people, I was stuck on Seroxat for about 16 years and it actually changed my personality.
Not only that but it literally took me years to get off of it due to the awful withdrawl symptoms.
Personally I would avoid Seroxat at all costs but as I said, different people react differently.
I don't mean to worry you or make you doubt your doctor but there are several other alternatives that I would try first.

29-08-09, 17:27
Hi ,
I was on Seroxat for 4yrs had no real problems apart from the initial side effects when first starting..the major problems started when i withdrew from it 6yrs ago it was horrid and i done evrything real slow..took a year to come off.. things were that bad and I have never fully recovered from the trauma..it was just soul destroying...thats not to say you will suffer from the same but out of all the drugs this one has a high rate of people left with long term problems after they come off it! Sorry for the bad news! Take Care Jodiex

29-08-09, 20:49
Thank you all so much for the advise and information.
I am going to see the Dr after the weekend and ask for an alternative.
It's a scary thing to let go of the Prozac comfort blanket as I have been on it for so long. So just wanted the advise of actual people who have been on the Seroxat.
I will let you know how I get on anyway.
Thank you again xxx

29-08-09, 21:14
Good luck Charleen,
Hope you get the right advice and medication from the doctor.
In my experience whilst you should trust your doctor to a degree, don't be afraid to question their judgement if you feel that they are just prescribing tablets without going through a range of alternatives, there are lots of them!
Good luck with your treatment!