View Full Version : Spoiled Bank Holiday

Flying Badger
29-08-09, 01:10
Hi Folks.

Well, I was supposed to be going on a little holiday on Friday morning. My parents own a static caravan in Scarborough, and I was due to go with my Mum, Brother and two Nieces for the weekend / bank holiday.

For the past few days, I had felt a bit uneasy about going. I felt as though I was under enormous preassure, even though I normally very much enjoy myself when I go there. If I'm honest with myself, I think I was anxious about having to look after Mum. She had a stroke earlier this year, and although she requires very little physical help, her memory isn't brilliant, and she is very emotional, which, at present, I find almost impossible to cope with.

I grew more anxious on Thursday evening, and got almost no sleep. When my alarm sounded, I woke to find myself covered in sweat, with a crushing sensation right in the middle of my chest. From that point on, I became convinced that I wouldn't survive the 2hr30 car journey. I knew this was most likley the onset of a panic attack, but I couldn't deal with that thought.

When I got downstairs, and my parents asked if I was OK, I found myself unable to speak - a problem that is becoming increasingly common for me. My left cheek was tingling, and felt very strange.

After almost an hour, I finally managed to speak enough to tell Mum that I couldn't face going to Scarborough, which, unfortunatley, she took as a personal attack on her (understandable, given her own problems) but it made me feel very preassured again.

I spent most of Friday in bed. Not quite asleap, but not really awake either. I found myself ignoring the phone too.

It's been quite a while since I have turned down a trip away because of how I felt. It's not unusual for me not to be able to go shopping, but even as a teenager, I've never been great with lots of hustle and bustle.

Sorry for yet another lengthy post - as you may be noticing, I do tend to go on somewhat, but I felt the need to get this off my chest.

I am feeling a tad better now, and Dad is still here (he couldn't get time off work to join Mum in Scarborough), and I have made an appointment with my GP next week.

Getting through this sticky patch is certainly taking some effort!



29-08-09, 01:47
aw we all have times like that. I know it sucks but it's not your fault.
you did the best you could.
i know i'd feel bad and be depressed too.
i really hope you are felling better x

29-08-09, 08:07
Hiya Gary chap

Don't beat yourself up over it. Going on holiday is extremely hard if you have anxiety. I have read (and suffered myself) about so many people cancelling holidays, or going and having a hell of a time because of the overwhelming feelings of anxiety.

It's up there with going to the dentist, supermarket, and tube trains.

Ask your GP if there is any therapy available to challenge your negative thoughts.

A wee bit of advice. I know it's difficult, but try not to stay in bed during the day. Get up and go for a stroll, trust me, you will feel a lot better than counting down the minutes from your bed.

Good luck
