View Full Version : HELP spending out of control!

29-08-09, 02:02
I have bipolar and think I am on a mega high:ohmy:

I have bought lots and lots of things on the net in the last couple of days. I have paid £150 for a dog bed, bought loads of books, cds, dvds, booked a holiday and have signed up for loads of charities that want a few pounds a month. I can't help it and haven't got the money to do it.Has anyone else done the same? Hubby takes my cards away, but I just pay by paypal!

Skint Di xx

29-08-09, 17:30

You have always been very kind to me with your monthly donations but I didn't realise that things had got so bad for you.

I really can't accept the donation you sent yesterday though as I would feel bad knowing that you hadn't got the money to do it.

One thing you could do is try and sell some stuff on ebay - even some of the stuff you just bought or can you send any of it back?

29-08-09, 18:57
Hi, spending gives me a buzz too, the best thing to do is to use that rush of energy to do something productive, so rather than going out buying something new, put your enthusiasm to work by doing your hobbies, cleaning your car etc. Sorry not much help but I haven't figured out how to save money yet, I am pretty bad for spending!!!

29-08-09, 19:13
Mmm. Im rather bad with my spending. It makes me feel so mucn better just knowing i bought something. Im worried i will loose control, and spend more then i have one day :|

29-08-09, 20:34

Sorry you are going through this hun. :hugs:

Nic's idea is really good about selling stuff on ebay!

Hope things improve soon mate
Love Lisa

30-08-09, 09:04
I don't have bipolar but do have the spending bug and enjoy the buzz I get from buying something. I hadn't realised so many others had the same problem!

I haven't got into any debt with my spending as I am careful to keep within my budget, but it's a nuisance as the buzz from buying something is very shortlived.

Yesterday I went into Next and bought 4 cushions that I didn't really need, a vase I didn't really need, a new pair of sunglasses I didn't really need and a pair of shoes that I guess I perhaps did need. I daren't add up how much I spent :ohmy:

30-08-09, 10:12
I too have huge problems with spending too much money - I see it as an equivalent to binge eating or drinking - I binge spend instead. I know its wrong but have tried so many times to stop it. Eeach time i vow its the last time but then the urge comes back and more often than not, I give in.

I know its when i'm deeply unhappy, lonely, depressed and its all due to the anorexia and other mental health issues. If you were to see me shopping you'd think i was just out having a nice time but inside my head I'm numb although I know its wrong.

Such a mess :weep:


30-08-09, 10:28
Meant to add....

that I'm doing as Nicola suggested and ebaying stuff as well as giving clothes I dont wear to charity.......will try anything and at least that helps others at the same time!


31-08-09, 03:22
Thank you for your replies and understanding.

Have had the crisis team involved the last couple of days as I was way too manic. They said my recent med change may have something to do with how I have been feeling. I have been prescribed Lorazapam for a few weeks to try to calm me down.

My hubby has taken control and cancelled the holiday (lost 10%) but small price to pay. He has also cancelled all of the charities that I subscribed to (12 in total) - there was no problem with them. Stanley the Greyhound has a smart new £150 bed! The books, DVDs, CDs are now all designated as christmas presents! Oh and he cancelled the two 4ft greyhound statues I wanted for my tiny garden!

I hate going out shopping as I am agoraphobic, but a few clicks online can cause mayhem!

31-08-09, 04:01
i dont have bipolar but i sure if it was on sale i would buy it lol
i just like spending money to i like good things i think we all do

31-08-09, 12:39
I have very little control over spending and hate it, a it's got me into so much debt, which just fuels the anxiety even more.

sometimes I wonder where it will end.