View Full Version : Fainting in the gym

13-10-05, 09:05
I joined a gym and went for my first session on tuesday. I figured the exercise might do me good and also help relieve my panic attacks.
Anyway, I had a trainer going through my program with me and after only 5 minutes I passed out! He reckoned it was because I was either dehydrated or my blood sugar may have been a bit low but seeing as I had drunk a litre of water and eaten a couple of hours before I went I doubt it. I went and saw my GP yesterday who checked my BP, heart etc and said all was normal and to see if it happened again and if it did to come back.
Since this "episode" I have been really on edge, anxious and just waiting for the faint symptoms to appear again, so consequently I have been getting more panic attack symptoms and feeling faint which then makes me wonder is it panic or am I going to faint again?
Sorry for the rambling but I need to get it all of my chest and need a hug.

Am due to be going to the gym again tomorrow but am terrified of it happening again!

AARRGGGGHHH I hate anxiety!!


13-10-05, 10:23
Hi Tim,
First of all (((((HUG))))) there lol. Second the fainting experience was more than likely just a one off, and if your GP did all the routine tests and they were fine then try not to worry about it happening again, as the more you worry the more anxious you will get. It might just have been the way you were breathing whilst exercising, that made you faint.
Go tomorrow with a positive mind, and im sure you will be fine. If you need to talk, pm me and I will pass on my msn addy.
Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwitten'

13-10-05, 14:33

Eat a couple of bananas 1/2 an hour before going in and start very slowly and gently on a machine that is manually powered to build up confidence. Make sure you do some warming up too before you even start.

Mind your breathing pattern.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

14-10-05, 20:25
Hi Tim,
i fainted in the summer and it makes me anxious just thinking about it. I asked a friend to take me to casualty, got checked out by nurse, she said it was possibly de-hydration, my blood sugar was fine although my blood pressure was low.
I worried about it so much that i felt anxious for a couple of weeks afterwards. Try not to do the same, i know its easier said than done, but if you have been checked out then try and be reassured by what they've said!
It's strange but at the time i had been jogging a couple of times that week, (unheard of for me!!) and was watching what i ate too, am convinced it was my body reacting to this!
take care, kt x

Be gentle and you will need no strength, be patient and you will achieve all things.