View Full Version : my hearts racing and i feel tingly any1 help??

13-10-05, 14:20

dont know why its happening cos im not paniky or have anything to panic about, but it wont stop.. not happened for months but my heart is racing and i feel all shaky and tingly like iv just swam a mile.. i cant get it to stop. my breathing is fine and im not in a panic at all.. it just wont stop.
any ideas? ive eaten fine today and iv not done anythins strenuous, i dont understand,
please help


13-10-05, 16:17

I know exactly what you mean. The thing causing the racing heart and feeling like you have swam a mile is adrenaline. adrenaline is dumped into your bloodstream when you panic or feel fear as part of the fight or flight response. It is a totally natural response but when it happens out of context it causes unpleasant actual physical symptoms. Your heart is racing cause adrenaline is designed to increase the heart's rate and force of contraction ready for when you run or fight whatever is threatening you. however, if you arejust sat down doing nothing and it happens it makes you feel like something weird is happening. I have had panic attacks for years and I always felt anxious for a while beforethe physical symptoms kicked in. Now though I have been experiencing what you are experiencing. I personally think that the thought processes of the brain become so "trained" via all the panic we experience that we may see something (for example on tv) when we are relaxed and not thinking about panicking and the subconciuos links it to something that we either saw or absorbed when we were having a previous attack. i.e. ages ago you may have felt panicky while the tv was on in the background, a certain advert might have been on that the brain has linked to this feeling of intense fear. Therefore you may be watching tv, the advert comes on, your subconcious thinks, hey I felt scared and panicky the last time this was on therefore it must be a threat and the adrenaline is released etc causing the nasty symptoms. I usually get up and do some cleaning and just keep my mind as blank as possible and it goes away. I hope that helps.


14-10-05, 13:35

thanks for your message really helped me. i cant think what it was that was on in the background but could easily have been that.
iv been suffering 8 years on and off now. get days hwere i dont wanna go anywhere and then weeks were i feel ok and i can cope.
i went and had a sweet cup of tea to see if my sugar levels had dropped off and sat and watched Doctors til it passed! then i hoovered around and by the time i had done that i felt better, but stil felt edgy all day, suppose i was kinda waiting for it to happen. just feeling a bit low this week. it happens to all of us

Bubble. x

14-10-05, 14:31
Glad you're feeling better today. Glad it didn't develop into anything.

What you're thinking about is important and more crucial is how you are thinking about it.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?