View Full Version : Attachment to Support Worker

29-08-09, 10:06
Hello Everyone.

I'm not sure if this is in the right place or not, please feel free to move it. I was assigned a support worker after being a little depressed and my anxiety shooting through the rough. I got to know her a little and started to trust her, then she decided to leave me and go on holiday for two weeks, just as i was starting on new meds.
My anxiety shot through the roof and i went a whole week like this with no-one. Then i contacted another support worker from the same company and now she has left me too. The temporary worker is seeing my gf so i cannot continue to see her. The problem is i have developed something with her, an attachment and i feel like i need her. She has been a rock this week and so supportive and i can't believe how much i have been able to trust her in such a short space of time.
I saw her for the last time yesterday, and as she was leaving she hugged me and i broke down...i never do that, so how did she do it? Now it's weekend and she aint working. My original worker is back on Tuesday but i don't know what to say to her.
I have told my temporary worker more than my original one because she knew how to break my shell by asking me certain questions. She was touching raw nerves, which hurt yes but worked. My orignal worker is a very nice person but i felt she let me down by leaving me...yes i know we all need a holiday and i can't hold that against her. Now i feel i have been let down by both of them.
The thing is when my original worker comes back i am going to have to go through everything i went through this week with her, then we are going to see my gp on wednesday and i will have to do it then too. I just don't know if i have the strength.
Has anyone ever had this kind of bond with any kind of support worker before? I feel so lonely now.

Kez xx