View Full Version : Comfort zones

13-10-05, 17:28
I've read a few posts on here where people mention comfort zones etc. I have been creating comfort zones most of my life. In fact Im frigging fed up of it. I often wonder whether that through creating these comfort that it has brought on my derealization/deporsonalisation feelings. Another thing I wanted to mention If anyone can give me advice is that when I used to drive to work , the journey would feel a lot different than If I was doing the journey and not working!! Get it? I dont :)

13-10-05, 17:37
Maybe coz you were thinking of different things when you were working as oppose to not working?! Like you might have felt more light hearted with not working?

I do that too, make things that are 'safe'.

First Anxiety...then panic attacks...now GAD and depression...now working on a better future!

14-10-05, 15:29
Hi Paul

When we suffer PA's, anxiety we all make comfort zones, these are where we think we a safe.
After my first PA and liveing in fear 24/7, I found myself making many confort zones but not realizing that the best comfort zone was myself.
Through this site I learned how to feel safe with myself.

Before suffering myself I had been dealing with my daghter who suffered pa's, anxiety from the age of 3 she is now 12 and doing very well [^] her comfort zone was me.
With my daughter it has taken alot of hard work to help her feel safe with herself and what she dose. Teaching her how to change her thought patterns.

What I had to do for myself was ask myself why I felt the way I did. For me it was because I feard all the symptoms that came with PA, anxiety. I had nothing else going on in my life but the fear of all this. I also found out that I had been having anxiety symptoms all my life. This was a shock [:O] for me but know surprise. I am now panic and high anxiety free [^]

What are your comfort zones Paul? you see you have to pick away at the anxiety and find out what you can do to help yourself.
Do things at a very slow pace. Learn how to braek free of these comfort zones.

So your driving to work or your driving somewhere else, what are your thought patterns, this you must ask yourself and you will find the answer.
Writing a diary helps us find out our thought patterns and how we can change them.
What where you thinking when you where driving to work? what where you thinking when the jorney was not work and you felt different.

Hope this helps you understand a little more.