View Full Version : Hey all

29-08-09, 14:51
Well just a bit about me i guess. I have Panic disorder,Anxiety, agoraphobia. I'm dealing well actually I was told by a friend about this place and used to host in another support chat room so when she told me about y'all I thought that maybe I could help seeing as how i've been threw it and right now pretty much have everything under control. I have 2 children 1 boy 11 and 1 girl 8. I'm very honest and happy to help ne1 so feel free to drop me aline if you need.

29-08-09, 15:46
Hi Tina and :welcome:

Glad that you are doing so well in your recovery

Best wishes

P x

Veronica H
29-08-09, 20:13
:welcome: To NMP Tina. Glad that you are recovering well.
