View Full Version : How do you cope with feelings of "I can't cope"

29-08-09, 21:09
I have read in various posts that others get this awful feeling too.

I have been experiencing this a lot lately over such small things. It scares me so much.

I would love to here if anyone has some tips on how to deal with these feelings/thoughts.

thanks for reading.

Sue xxxx

freudian nightmare
30-08-09, 10:07
Hello sue,
I have suffered anxiety for a long time but have only recently become depressed due to a traumatic experience, but i too am struggling with feeling hopeless and helpless and not coping with these feelings. I am probably not much help for you at the moment because i too would love to know what to do to feel less overwhelmed by such emotions. I think it's just a matter of riding through them and "trying" to accept that they are just feelings and will eventually start to ease. It's not easy i know, depression has such a negative impact on every aspect of our lives and it feels like it will never change. Just remember that there are others who feel the same as you do and there are many who come through it, it just takes a bit longer than we would like it to. Feel free to pm if you ever want a chat and take care x

30-08-09, 10:14
Hi Sue!
I am probably one of the people you have seen posting about not being able to cope. I feel I can't even think how I'm going to cope with silly things like getting showered or making a meal. Everything seems too "big" for me to do. This goes on for most of the day but by evening I usually feel I can do most things! It's so annoying as I know it's myself making me feel this way. Just can't seem to get to grips with it. The only advise I have is to carry on regardless and do everything you need/want to without giving in, no matter how bad you feel. Also the distraction and relaxation "remedy" that is so often suggested. I wish for all of our sakes there was an easier way, but if there were we would all be better by now I suppose!
I hope you feel better soon.
Take care. Judy.:hugs: xxx

31-08-09, 21:19
Thank you both for your replies, they are much appreciated.

I guess it is about little steps isn't it. I too feel as though I can cope better in the evenings, I think that can be the nature of depression.

It is sooooo frustrating though. Some nights I feel as though I am over the worse but I open my eyes in the morning and it is back and i know i am not helping myself with the negative and intrusive thoughts that i get.

Its good to know that someone really understands how bad this all feels at times.

I wish you both well. :bighug1:

Sue xxxxxxx