View Full Version : Please help I feel so very low

29-08-09, 23:02
Hi everyone
First I'd like to say how useful and supportive I have found everyone here in the few days since I registered :) .
However, I feel so incredibly down. One minute I can see myself as being alright and then the next minute I feel so hopeless and it manifests as feelings of intense worry and anxiety. I also seem to be developing feelings of paranoia where I analyse everything somebody says to a point where I can find nothing positive in their comments at all. I'm so miserable, I know a lot of people here can maybe relate to what I'm saying.


29-08-09, 23:11
why dont you pop in chat your get some help wish you bettter

29-08-09, 23:15
Recognising what is happening is a very positive step forward in what seems to be a negative spiral. Good for you, one thing i like about anxiety is how introspective people become. Sounds bizzarre but many people wander around not knowing who they are or where they are going to. You are the opposite, you question where your going and how it is your getting there. Although you see negatives in your behaviour, at least you see them.

Its natural to feel down about the current situation, we compare ourselves to how we used to be, the dip in confidence and the constant feeling of being unsure. This will not stay this way but you need to reassure yourself of this, if its bad day, simply accept it. After all, what can you do to change a bad day in mid-stream?

Take it easy LadyButterfly, maybe its time to look at yourself even more closely and appreciate your inner strength to bring on your resolve.

That will be £20- please, leave it with the receptionist :D

Chin up.

30-08-09, 00:07
Hi London and Cons
Thanks for your replies. £20!!!! I'm a poor student:D :D !!
I can't yet use chat as I've not been registered long enough but I look forward to being able to!


30-08-09, 10:42
Student eh?

Call it 4 pot noodles and a half bottle of red then :D

Take care Lady,


31-08-09, 12:29
hello ladybutterfly

I agree wholeheartedly with Cons who says that recognising what is happening is a very positive thing. that was the start of my recovery for me, tho I didn't realise it at the time, I now regnise that as a turning point.

I am still not cured, but I understand a lot more what is going on in my head, which makes it almost liveable.

take care and shout out if you need to :-)