View Full Version : Chest

13-10-05, 19:38
Hi all
I know i am driving you all mad but im really scared.
My chest has been sore for a week but has got a lot worse over the past couple of days.
It feels like someone is grabbing it from inside and squeezing really hard,then slowly releasing,it makes me gasp and feel dizzy.It also feels like a red hot poker is being driven into my chest.I have felt dizzy all day and im so scared
What could it be?It feels hot even now[V]
Please help

Hunny xx

13-10-05, 20:19
Have you seen a doctor about it?


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

13-10-05, 20:23
hi hunny

if you are at all worried i would go and see a doctor or your g.p about it just to put your mind at rest

best wishes


There is light at the end of the tunnel its just fiding it thats the hard part

13-10-05, 20:30
Hi Hunny

Have just PM'd you chuck, I would go the doctors its always good to put your mind at rest, dont worry about going its what they are there for!.

I went through stages of where I thought I had a brain tumour and went the docs and he put my mind at ease-then you just need to believe and trust in them and tell yourself it is anxiety nothing else.


13-10-05, 20:33
Im terrified now.I was trying to talk myself out of going to Drs.I cant stop crying.Do you think ive got something serious?Like blood clot etc?

Hunny x

13-10-05, 20:41
hunny it wont be anything, going to see the doctor will put that niggling worry at ease and will put your mind at ease other wise you will worry yourself sick-chest pain is the most common symptom of anxiety XHUGX

13-10-05, 20:45
Hi Hunny,
I am so sorry you are feeling rough right now, i believe you have had the flu this week and i think that taken it's toll, don't be scared, people have only suggested going to the doctors to put your mind at rest. Take a hot drink, have a relaxing bath, deep long breathes, all the things we know we should be doing, you are not going to die...I feel dizzy for days at a time, i know this can be a symptom of anxiety i also know how awful it is..it will pass, read some old posts on this site, i do that when i need re-assuring. take care. speak soon xxxxxxxjean

14-10-05, 07:38
hi hunny

i very much doubt it will be anything serious i to get chest pains and i know mine are all down to stress, anxiety and panic try having a warm relaxing bath and listen to some relaxing music.

i dont think you have anything serious like a blood clot or anything like that it all sounds like the typical anxiety/panic symptoms to me

hope you are feeling better

all the best


There is light at the end of the tunnel its just fiding it thats the hard part

14-10-05, 08:33
I have a Drs appointment today.Thought it was the best thing to do.Theres no point coming in here moaning and doing nothing about it,i realise that now
Thanks so much for the replies

Hunny x

14-10-05, 15:51
..and what did the doctor say ?


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

14-10-05, 17:35
The Dr says he was satisfied it wasnt my heart that was causing the symptoms,but he didnt know what was.
He was a very nice,but very young GP Registrar hmmm......
These pains really hurt.He said my heart and lungs sounded fine,but im not convinced,he said he could clesrly hearthe murmur,maybe its got worse.Noone has ever said that before

Oooh,this anxiety is crippling...

Hunny x

14-10-05, 17:58
Hi Hunny,
Hope you are okish? The doctor you saw may have been young but he would still be fully qualified and know what to look out for if there was something seriously wrong, they are not allowed to let things go just to keep us happy. He did not say that the heart murmur had got worse, just that he could hear it. I know it is so easily said but if he said your heart and lungs were ok, i would honestly be re-assured by this. If he had one doubt in his mind that there was a problem that needed treating he would not have sent you home without telling you and would have referred you on to someone who could help.Yes, this anxiety is crippling, it will get easier in time, i can promise you that. sorry to have lectured you yet again, take care mate and please keep in touch.