View Full Version : I just don't feel right today. Weird symptoms

30-08-09, 03:39
Today I got up .. checking my pulse as usual most of the day and then I decided I was going to walk a little. "I haven't done this in a week"

We were outside and everything looked so bizarre. My pulse didn't really go up that much and we did a pretty good walk. We then sat on the porch and something just didn't feel right.

I wasn't hurting or nothing but my body felt weird and then we came inside and everything inside looked bizarre for a little while. Then I started hearing ringing in my ears and my body just felt strange.

I felt as though my body wasn't mine and just out of sync ..if that makes any sense whatsoever. I started feeling a little errie as the sun went down and just don't feel right. I wondered if maybe I have a brain tumor since things just don't feel as they should.

When I get up and move around I hear my heartbeat which is kind of usual for me but I hear it just like its in my ears. The thing that bothers me the most is I hear the beat and it seems like it is playing catch up. It scares me a little.

I really didn't have any issues with being out of breath today . Isn't that a good sign that I probably don't have heart disease?

Also I realized today that my wife is being affected by the way I have been feeling lately. She has started to get anxious and feeling many of the ways I do. I get worried because I depend on her for my strength in telling me there is nothing wrong with me.

This whole day has just been strange and I wish I were feeling different. I don't know what has happened in the last week that being outside would make me feel so different. I want to get better and not feel like this and now im even more depressed knowing that im making my wife feel anxious about things too.

30-08-09, 03:46
ive had this for about a week now...i think exerzise and not dwelling on it too much helps for sometime, although it does come back again, but it cud b due to me feelin stressed and anxious...

ur wife clearly really cares about u alot n thats y its affecting her so much too, i hope u get things sorted out soon

30-08-09, 05:09
Hi Looking. Sometimes, I just feel like something's not right too, and then my mind gets to wondering. It's like I'm trying to find something wrong with me. The thing with us is that we are so in tune with our bodies we notice every little thing. That's what sucks about having HA. I know how you feel getting your spouse involved. I use to be so scared to tell my husband about the way I was feeling. I didn't want to worry him, or make him laugh at me for all these things going through my head. Your wife just sounds like she's worried about you. I know my husband worries when I have a panic attack, and act freaked out by all sorts of things. I know when you think that something's really wrong with you, it makes others think about it, because the way you are feeling. I would say your anxiety got the best of you today. Maybe it was in your head that you were going to be anxious today, and it just spilled out. Just try to explain to your wife that it's your anxiety so she don't start getting anxious with you. Tell her that you need her to stay calm for you. It helps when there is someone there that you can talk to, and when they tell you everything is fine, it all seems better. I hope that you have a better day tomorrow, and that this reply makes sense. Have a great night!