View Full Version : Ageing skin. Whats normal and how do I stop thinking everything is cancer?

30-08-09, 07:12
Hi, Im 36 years old and my HA is mainly focused on skin cancer. Im not sure why but I presume its because I know a few people that have had it, there is Melanoma images everywhere and I guess its a cancer I can see. What I want to know is how can I grow old and accept the changes in my skin. Ive had many moles cut out even though doctors have said they were fine ( had to be sure, otherwise I will be checking them a million times a day) and wake up everyday with a terrible fear and scan my body for changes. I know that skin changes as we age as I look at my mums skin and I wonder when did these spots/freckles etc appear and how come she doesnt even worry about it because if that were me Id need to have my arms and legs cut off as Id be beside myself. Im at an age now where I will get age spots and I need to know how to just accept that and not have a panic attack over even a pin dot new freckle. Im driving myself mad. I hate being like this. Is there anyone out there that feels like me?:weep:

30-08-09, 08:49
I feel exactly the same as you! I am 37 and have very moley skin, as does my dad and my gran. My dad has hundreds of strange moles, skin tags, warts all sorts of things and my skin is going the same way. I am in a huge state of panic at the moment as I have three large raised moles on my back that are mottled and vary in colour and I am convinced they are skin cancer, even though they do not itch, do not bleed, are uniform in shape and according to my husband have not changed at all! I am seeing the doctor tomorrow and am petrified.

Sorry I am not really answering your question at all but just wanted to say I know exactly where you are coming from. Maybe it would be worth talking to your doctor and getting him/her to tell you exactly what changes you should look for that could indicate a problem and maybe agreeing that she will give your skin a complete check over say every 6 months to check for any changes? I also get my hubby is do a quick check over every few weeks which helps. I know what you mean when you say you don't know how your mum doesn't worry about her changing skin - I am the same with my dad, I would be beside myself if my skin was like his but unfortunately I know mine will be with age! Of course the whole thing has more to do with our health anxiety than any problems really with our skin - If only we could solve that one we would be fine!

30-08-09, 10:58
Thankyou IJJ, Its great to know there is someone like me out there. I wish you luck at the doctors tomorrow. My friend went to the doctors about a 1cm mole on her back and the doc said it looked dodgy. She had it cut out and it turned out to be fine. Im sure you will be OK and its just our minds playing tricks on us. AGAIN...... Take care and thankyou for replying. It has made me feel better. :)

30-08-09, 13:03
Thank you as well! I feel quite reassured as well knowing there is someone like me out there as well. It can feel very lonely sometimes having all these 'crazy' HA thoughts. I get to the stage sometimes where I think it would be so much easier if I could get all my moles cut out - trouble is I have so many there would be nothing left of me!! Getting really worked up about tomorrow - dreading her saying they need to be removed as that will just prolong the worry! Anyway, I hope you manage to find a way to rationalise and deal with your fears regarding the changes in your skin - And if you do find a way, please let me know ;-)

30-08-09, 13:14
hey all I just started a thread about this as well, I'm sure a lot of things are just natural, but here is a reasonable page about anxiety and skin aging:


I mean, I know they're trying to sell stuff too but I think the facts are there :)