View Full Version : quit work, is it worth it

30-08-09, 08:23
i am so stress at work esp with ppl working there, they are so cunning, manipulative, that i can't cope anymore, i meet the bullies , the manipulative, ppl talking behind me, in front of me, i just can't handle them, becos i am too soft, quiet, and don't know to think fast and fight. so i am always broken.

everyday thinking of having to go to work upset, stress me, making me so bored having to stay 8hrs mon to fri at work, i cried when i step my leg at office. before i am ok, good, i work hard, but becos i am having depression becos being builied there, i am always sick, taken medical leave making my boss put me bad review , so i am sad, and no mood to work. i feel so unapprecaited. i don't know how to hypocrite like ppl do.

becos of that it affect my mind mentally, i become boring person, i never talk to my kids, i leave them alone and i am always upset every time it's sunday, becos tomorrow i hv to work again, it affect my mood.

i wnated to quit , but my families all aganist, they say i must fight for my life, accept and go for it, for money sake, and i must be tough to handle misery of life, they want me to learn to go thru hardship like this. they say i can't run away from problems, but it is making me sick everytday they never understand. i think if i quit, i take care of my kids, house, myself, my health, now i 'v high bp, hgih cholesterol, depression, anxiety, panci attack. i can't cope anymore at work.