View Full Version : Not one of my typical HA worries...

30-08-09, 10:40
Ok, this is different from the things I usually worry about in that most of my HA worries involve either imminent death or some kind of terminal illness... I take this one to mean I'm improving lol.

I broke the scaphoid bone in my wrist 6 weeks ago as well as damaging a ligament... and I've read that this gives me up to a 60% increased chance of early arthiritis in the joint! I'm especially cocncerned as my mum has relatively severe arthiritis that began in her late 20's, and eeeek! I need my hand!

I'm already attempting to move the joint more than I should be to try and detect stiffness that shouldn't be there, it's something I do almost subconsciously, but I'm going to delay the healing time if I carry on!

22 is too young to be worrying about arthiritis!!