View Full Version : Confidence has gone!

14-10-05, 07:22
Hi Everyone,

I have suffered agoraphobia for 5 years now and for the

past few months I have been going to the shops in the mornings.

As lots of you already know, I have been having big problems at home,

so maybe that is the reason behind this. I didn't go to the shop

yesterday morning because my hubby took the last bit of money that I

had in the house. I tried to go this morning, as I turned the corner of

the street I felt all light-headed, my heart was pounding and I felt like I

was going to faint. I didn't feel real, like I wasn't really there. I had to

rush back home, :(and as soon as I was back indoors I started to feel

an overwhelming sadness, maybe guilt that I hadn't gone to the shop

and that I am letting it take hold of my life again. I am terrified of being

stuck indoors all my life but after what happened this morning, I am

terrified of going back outside...

14-10-05, 09:00
Chuck this is a blip chicken ok. You had a really rough day yesterday and its been playing on your mind. This morning was almost inevitable because your emotions have been so high. Try not to let it get you down. We all have very good days and very bad days. You will not be stuck like this forever. You can recover from this - you've got to believe it ok. I have full confidence in you.

I'm here whenever you want to chat ok.

Speak to you soon

Rach xxxx

"True acceptance means 'facing and relaxing' - it is submission" (Claire Weekes)

14-10-05, 10:14
Hi Rach and thank you for replying.[^]

I appreciate your support, thank you...

Take care



14-10-05, 11:37
Remember, you can, and will, get through this. :)

All the best,


14-10-05, 11:49
Hi there Chucklehound:D

You sound like you have been working so hard to fight your agoraphobia and well done you for pushing yourself to go to the shops in the mornings. A lot of people would not be able to do that and you are being strong. As was said, this was just a blip and has to be put out of your mind; don't dwell on it, move forward.
Keep strong, keep moving forward, look at what you want to achieve and you will get there. It's always a bumpy road we travel on but as long as we keep travelling, that's the main thing!

Thinking of you and take care :D

Jem xxx

14-10-05, 15:49

Is home life getting any easier ?

You have done well and today it was just all too much and thats ok especially with all else that is going on.

You can try again later on today to get out for a little walk and if you get light headed - stand there and distract yourself for 3 mins and then choose what to do next but try hard not to turn for home immediately you feel odd.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

15-10-05, 08:35
Hi all and thank you for youe replies.

Meg, I went out to the post box yesterday evening and walked back home through the park. There were a few teenagers about and 3 of the local druggies in the park.
I felt my anxiety rise really quickly and my vision went funny. I had a 'very patient' friend on the phone with me all the way and he helped to take my mind away from the rising anxiety.

Home life is getting no better though and I think that it could have triggered the anxiety again.

15-10-05, 09:11
Hi again all,

I went to the shop this morning!!!

I felt quite anxious but JFDI lol.:D

When in the shop there was quite a queue which always makes me feel more anxious, but this morning when stood in the queue I realised just how tense my body was and so relaxed slightly and started to feel more comfortable.[^]

Thank you all for your kind words!

Take care

15-10-05, 09:16
Well done for going Chuckle.

I think you were also experiencing real fear yesterday in the park and that is a normal reaction to the situation you found yourself in.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

15-10-05, 11:00
Well done for getting to the shop Chucklehound. That is great progress.

I agree that most people would have experienced fear in the situation in the park. I certainly wouldn't have felt at all comfortable in that situation either.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

15-10-05, 12:31
Well done chuck.

When things aren't too clever at home that doesn't help, so you are doing really well to hang on to keep going out.

Love Piglet :)

Toot toot lol (we know what I mean don't we)!!!

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

15-10-05, 15:23
Thank you for your kind words everyone...

toot toot back to you Piglet lol :D

15-10-05, 16:42
Well done Chucklehound...

For gonig back and facing the shops again. You did well!

tracy x x

Every time you avoid your fears they become stronger,every time you face your fears they become weaker.

15-10-05, 19:20
LOL chuck - if computer wasn't playing up so much I'd try and get in chat for a good chin wag.

Hopefully will soon though.

Take care.

Love Piglet:)

15-10-05, 19:46
Awwww no worries Piglet, I will speak to you soon.

Kev has left the house tonight after we had a row. I am struggling quite

a bit at the moment because I have monophobia.

15-10-05, 21:03
Hi I think you should give yourself a big pat on the back for trying again. When you went home from the shops it wasn't really a failure because at least you tried and trying is never a failure. Well done for going back!!!

16-10-05, 06:43
Thank you Mamralade for your kind words of support!

I do really try to think of it the way you put it because I could have

quite easily not bothered...

I suppose at the time it's just so difficult to look at the positive.

Thank you all so much



16-10-05, 12:05
Just to say i agree....keep doing things they will get easier!

First Anxiety...then panic attacks...now GAD and depression...now working on a better future!