View Full Version : Another cardiac panic sufferer

30-08-09, 22:16
Just thought I'd share my experiences.

Recently I have been having a lot of panic attacks. I almost always worry that I am having a heart attack, even though I don't have any real reason to believe that. I haven't been specifically diagnosed with any anxiety disorder, but it's pretty obvious that there is something wrong.

I also have depression and have tried a couple of different medications but none of them really seem to help all that much, so I have gone off them (with Dr's approval). However, I also have PCOS (hormonal disorder), and there is some anecdotal evidence that my medication for that (metformin) can also cause panic attacks. I can't decide which set of symptoms are worse!

When I have a panic attack I usually get all the classic heart attack symptoms--squeezing pains in my left arm and chest, nausea, weakness, etc. and start to freak out. I'm 34, with some risk factors, but I've had ECG's and such a few years ago when I had my first panic attacks which found nothing. Right now I am in the process of getting evaluated again, but so far there is no evidence that anything is wrong.

The most annoying thing is that I either tend to have attacks in a relaxed situation, like just when I am about to fall asleep at night, or else when I am trying to work at the computer. I am a PhD student with a really serious deadline approaching, and often the only way to calm down after these attacks is to go lie in bed for a while. It's eating up all my time!

Recently I've been taking some herbal stuff (drinking chamomile tea and taking Kalms tablets) and I have cut my caffeine use way down. I thought it was helping but then today I had another massive attack, and spent most of the day in bed with my husband trying to help me calm down.

What's your favorite way of stopping these attacks?

30-08-09, 23:54
Hello :)

Lots of people have worries about their heart when they have no real reason too, and it is truely terrifying. My heart worries have been better recently... and I get a lot more done when I'm not panicking about imminent death, but now I've said that they'll probably come back:wacko:.

Chammomile, kalms etc are good, as is cutting back on caffiene, but it won't stop the attacks alltogether (at least it hasn't with me), and when you're having an attack just try to breathe slowly, tell yourself you're going to be fine, and wait for it to pass. Not particularly helpful when you've got a time concern, I'm afraid.

You say you've been on some medications, have you tried beta-blockers? They've made me much less aware of what my heart is doing.

Good luck with the panic attacks and the impending deadline!

31-08-09, 11:32
Yep I've had exactly the same things! Even down to having them even when relaxed (now that IS weird O.O).

Well, I think I can say with reasonable certainty that the chances of any of this turning into something more serious (such as a heart attack) in a healthy individual is slim to nothing :)

However, maybe it's an idea to consider what I've been thinking of and grabbing some medication that might help to lower adrenaline levels and therefore slow heartrate etc? I just thought it might make things easier on my heart, and stop it from being overworked :)

Just a thought, I don't know how well it works but it seems to be a pretty good idea to me! :)

Hoppi! ^_^

EDIT -- Oo, great minds pd :)

07-09-09, 10:55
I've got an appointment with the Dr later this week, so I might be able to persuade her to refer me to a CBT therapist. I've started using a workbook a little bit to defuse my scary thoughts and it seems to help somewhat. I might mention Xanax, beta blockers, or something like that or see if she has another idea for medication, but I'm not necessarily set on that.

I've also become herbal hypochondriac girl. I have a calming tea (lemonbalm, skullcap, chamomile, some other stuff), a skullcap+lemonbalm tincture, those Quiet Life tablets (motherwort, passion flower, hops, valerian, b-vitamins), St. John's wort tablets, another B-vitamin supplement, and magnesium tablets. Oh and some lemonbalm aromatherapy stuff. And lemonbalm lozenges.

Basically I went to Boots and Neal's Yard and bought all of the anti-anxiety stuff they had! I don't know if it's just psychological but it does seem to be helping. I've been having little mini-attcks almost every day but they have been a lot less intense. I'm not taking them all at once, by the way!

07-09-09, 10:59
have you actually had your heart checked out ? xx

07-09-09, 11:09
Like you I too suffer from panic attacks & I stress that it is a heart condition. I have this underlying fear that I will have atrial fibrillation or a heart attack. I have had all the tests, seen cardiologists, my gp who have all put it donw to anxiety. I try to pass through the symptoms tothe best of my ability but I really do wake up most mornings with that feeling of dread. I have cut ot caffeine too, drink chamomile tea but I must admit that I still have the ectopic heartbeats, palpitations bc I have high levels of anxiety.

21-09-09, 17:22
have you actually had your heart checked out ? xx

I've had recent blood tests, etc. that don't show any reason for concern, although the Dr. didn't send me for an ECG or anything like that. I had a similar intense period of panic attacks about 5 years ago (in a similar deadline situation) and at the time I had the whole workup. I even took myself to the emergency room, but nothing was found. I think the current doctor hasn't ordered the same tests because of this history. Nothing significant has changed in any other respect.