View Full Version : Ok, scared now...Ladies question... Slightly icky

31-08-09, 00:32
So I've been bleeding for 3 and a half weeks now and while up till now I've been ignoring it, today it's...changed. It's almost black in colour and I've never seen anything like it. I've ignored it so far because 3 months ago I had an Implanon implant put in, and the nurse told me at the time I could expect unusual bleeding, but I think this goes past unusual. I've also had pretty severe pain in my lower stomach. I had a full STD test 2 months ago and was clean for everything, except they noticed during the exam I had non-specific cervicitis that I was treated for. I also have suspected endometriosis. Since the test I've only been intimate with one person who has also tested clean, so I'm not worried about STDs so much, but could the cervicitis have come back? The way it was explained to me at the time was that my cervix was inflamed, and that could be either because of a bacterial infection (which I tested negative for) or a load of other things, hence non-specific. I've started to get paranoid about pelvic inflammatory disease and that the cervicitis could turn into this, and then I've started thinking about cervical cancer. I don't know if this is possible and I really don't want to start googling. The sensible part of me is saying 'it's the implant, nothing to worry about!' but the anxiety and HA prone non-logical part of me is beginning to freak out. Anyone know anything about any of these things before I turn to google?

31-08-09, 05:55
Hi PD. Your blood could be turning darker because it is nearing the end of the period. I know at the end of mine it turns a blackish, brownish color. If you are unsure, call your ob/gyn tomorrow... Just don't google. It will make you worry even more with the unnecessary results! Good Luck!

31-08-09, 10:23
I know what you mean about it turning darker... But it's never been like this before. The sensible part of me is blaming the Implanon, the rest of me is going eeeek!

I'm thinking that the difference between today and tomorrow (I can't call till then because they're all bloody shut today) is going to be life or death. I'm ridiculous. :mad:

31-08-09, 11:20
Not ridiculous, just scared. If there is anything sinister, which is highly unlikely, then one more day won't make any difference. Try to stay calm and go see your Doc tomorrow.

31-08-09, 16:34
I bet you it's from you Implanon. You aren't going to die from it. When women give birth they bleed for weeks, and they don't die. Actually when I was pregnant with my daughter, I started bleeding, and rushed to the ER, thought I was hemorrhaging. Dr's checked me, and Baby and I were fine. From then on I bleed for 4 months straight. It wasn't a heavy flow, just the thick brownish black stuff. My ob refereed me to a specialist who did a sonogram and looked and said it was dead blood. I guess it had been sitting in there awhile. Even before I was pregnant. If you feel worse, go to the emergency dept and see what they say. Here in the states we can call after hours or on closed days and talk to a nurse. Maybe you can do that there. I hope you feel better soon. I'm sure it's nothing sinister.


31-08-09, 18:28
Thank you, I'm actually feeling better about this now, I'm pretty sure it's the Implanon. I will have to go to the docs and discuss having it taken out I think, I don't think my anxiety can take months of bleeding!

31-08-09, 19:01
I have the implanon and was bleeding fot the first 8 weeks, not proper blood, just brown stuff. They put me on the pill for 3 months and the bleeding stopped,and when i came of it the bleeding stopped and hasn't been back since, this was 6 months ago. Its renound for causing very odd bleeding. They will prob try you on the pill first and then discuss taking it out if it doesn't stop. Some people just aren't compatible with it. Give it a chance though, i'm really glad i did.

31-08-09, 19:43
Well that's good to hear, I really hope I can keep it, it's great not having to worry about contraceptives for 3 years!

31-08-09, 20:18
If it was sinister it would be fresh blood & clots. It sounds like its it gradually slowing x

01-09-09, 22:59
Back to the ickyness... It's red and heavy again today :(

Seeing to doctor tommorrow so have got to try and put it out of my mind until then. Gah I hate my body sometimes.

I'm scared the cervicitis will come back, or turn into something worse. :(

01-09-09, 23:35
Not sure if this helps or not but when I was put in hospital last year they stopped my mini pill and I had a black discharge on the sheets. Never asked about it but assumed it was something to do with the mini pill.

01-09-09, 23:50
I had this bout a year ago!!!!

Just life I guess cos Im ok!!!

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

02-09-09, 00:40
Just to ease your mind...I had PID and it hurt! I could not button my pants and ir hurt so bad to have a bowel movement. PID is very painful to the point that you would not we here questioning if you had something....you would know. I ended up in the ER because I could not walk! I am not sure what you do have...but I can say that what you don't have is PID.

02-09-09, 22:36
Oh crap crap crap crap crap. TMI below

Today there's been fresh blood, but only on the tissue paper after I've peed, and I've started thinking what if it's coming from somewhere else? I've started thinking about bladdder cancer. I can't start googling. Oh god. :( This is so f*cking terrible I want my mind to leave me alone:weep::weep::weep::weep::weep:

02-09-09, 22:40
Didn't you see doc today?

02-09-09, 22:42
Yes, and I'm usually very good at getting over something once a doctor has told me there's nothing to worry about, but I got home, and noticed this, and well I only started freaking out about an hour ago when bladder cancer popped into my head.

The doc says it's the implanon and I'm going to take the pill as well for 3 months which should hopefully sort it out. I haven't had time to pick up the prescription yet though and the doctor doesn't know about the fresh blood.

02-09-09, 22:48
These things take time to settle down. I am not sure where you got bladder cancer from though.

Trust that things are ok and you will be fine.

02-09-09, 22:54
Thank you for replying, am calming down a bit...

I don't know where it came from either. I think it's just one of the few things I DON'T know the symptoms of and because it's the right kind of area my mind is telling me it COULD be that... I know it isn't. I really know it isn't. I can't stop thinking about it though. Sometimes it seems as though my mind is deliberately out to get me. And now I'm talking about my mind as though it were a seperate entity.

I've officially lost it. Brilliant.

02-09-09, 23:02
Glad you are calming down.

Next time try to rationalise things and do not google cos it will make you worse.

Most things can be easily explained and are nothing sinister at all.

03-09-09, 10:43
Thank you for replying, am calming down a bit...

I don't know where it came from either. I think it's just one of the few things I DON'T know the symptoms of and because it's the right kind of area my mind is telling me it COULD be that... I know it isn't. I really know it isn't. I can't stop thinking about it though. Sometimes it seems as though my mind is deliberately out to get me. And now I'm talking about my mind as though it were a seperate entity.

I've officially lost it. Brilliant.

Hey you know what I think this is a sign that you are starting to get better not worse!! Youve not lost it ...your getting it back!! You seem to be getting a great insight into your HA .....next step is reducing your anxiety by not responding to it and stop reassurance behaviours...google must stop!!!

Your right you know, part of your mind id out to get you!! But the good news is you can ignore it if you try really hard....have you ever smoked and stopped ? or given up anything else? Beleive it or not.....ignoring anxiety is much the same as ignoring a craving.

Hope your okay anyway............health wise your fine!!!!


03-09-09, 22:24
Just wanted to say my sister has a similar type of implant, I don't know what it's called, but had very similar symptoms for awhile and also had to take the pill at the same time until it went away. Now shes had it over a year, is fine, and has very light periods.
I think this is very common and normal, from what she went through and what her doctor said (also during the first month or so her emotions went CRAZY, she was all over the place with panic and anger, etc, basically PMS times 10, so could this be contributing to your escalated fears?)
Hope you are feeling better.

03-09-09, 22:34
Thanks for replying.

I've had it in a few months now, and I suppose my anxiety has been worse, but as for what's causing what I don't know.

I'm considerably calmer about this now, it's reassuring to know that it's common and harmless.