View Full Version : I really need suggestions.

14-10-05, 07:45
Hi All,

I have a problem that is keeping me awake at night. My daughter has been bullied out of school and starts a new one on Monday. The problem is, it is about a four mile walk there and back. Now this I can do except (and you knew there would be one!) the last bit is a leafy path with no houses or buildings around. Now for some reason and even though I was brought up in the country and spent my life in the fields, I feel very worried about this. I know I can do it going because my daughter is with me, but coming back alone.............YIPES!

I'm trying to look upon is as a chance to get even better, but I know panic so well and we are looking at a good ten minute walk.
Any coping strategies anyone?



14-10-05, 07:54
I know what u mean, theres a bit i dont like when walking home from work. i useally call my husband and talk to him whilst walking that bit. that helps for me anyway. maybe u can try calling someone u know to chat for a bit.
Hope i've been of some help.


14-10-05, 09:48
How about a personal CD player ?
Take your favourite music with you and a bottle of water to keep sipping when you feel anxious. If you wanted you could tape your daughter on a tape and play that back on your way home "like shes with you"?

Or if your budget allows a taxi home ?

The thought of a nice quiet country setting makes me feel how lovely because if you panic no one will know. I have great difficulties with the school run myself so i know exactly what you mean, I sometimes suck a mint because it makes the air feel colder as i breath in and out.
I really hope you find something that helps, good luck.


14-10-05, 14:40

Is this a similar thing to you ' Path' from a while back ?

If its the last bit near the school chances are that during those hours there will be more people around walking that bit than you think.

You could also borrow a dog and take it with you and do someone a good service as well


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

14-10-05, 15:55
Hi Meg,

Yes, this is similar to the path thing a while ago, (that was a a much shorter one mind you!), and just like the bridge I coped. I think once I have done it a couple of times I will be ok. It's like always with these things - it's the thought of it.

Part of me thinks this is just the nudge I need to improve my problems because if I am honest, I do still avoid situations I don't like. Time will tell.

Christine xx

14-10-05, 16:14

Good - love the attititude !