View Full Version : Cry for help!

31-08-09, 11:24

I hope you don't mind but I currently feel terrified and have nowhere else to turn.:weep:

I suffer with anxiety which is raging at the moment but it is something else that is terrifying me. I keep getting these terrifying experiences were I'm looking around at all the things which are familiar to me, but now they look like I'm seeing them for the first time!!! Have you ever looked at your reflection in the mirror for too long and then not recognised yourself, or said a word like 'spoon' over and over until it sounds unfamiliar? Its like that but with everything.

When I first started suffering with this 2 years ago I found a paragraph in 'Feeling Unreal' ( a depersonalisation disorder book) which states "..At times the most common, familiar objects can seem foreign, as if I'm looking at them for the first time...Take an american flag for instance. Its instantly recognizable...but if i look at it for more than a moment, its like I've forgotten ever seeing a flag before, even though I'm aware of what my 'normal' reaction should be."

I feel so alone and feel like I'm loosing my mind. I try to reassure myself and calm myself, but I just feel so terrified I don't know what else to do. I woke up last night and immediatley started to feel like this; it was like I'd almost forgotten where I was. I managed to calm myself down, but I just don't want to loose all sense of who I am. I also don't want to scare my bfriend as he's really stressed doing his masters at the moment and I don't want to add to his troubles. I have no one else as I have no parents.

Thanks for listening too me,


31-08-09, 11:40
Hi Joanne, I think this is to do with looking inward over much which is all part of your general anxiety. Is there something you could distract yourself with such as physical activity or maybe a counsellor or trusted friend to talk things through with and to get a sense of perspective. Maddy x

Granny Primark
31-08-09, 11:40
aww hun :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Those feelings your getting is due to your anxiety.
Ive been there so often.
Just understanding and accepting that they are part of your illness helps.
Go see your doc and ask if there is anything he/she can do to help you.
Keep coming on this site cus there is so much help, support and advice you can get from the site and its members.
And just remember you are never alone.

31-08-09, 20:10
Thank you both for responding to my thread. I'm going to see my doctor tomorrow and later on in the evening I'll also be going to my first anxiety group session, so I hope that both of these things will help me.

Thank you for your support. This site and people like you are the only things that are helping me through this tough time at the moment!
