View Full Version : pain in back between shoulders & under ribs

31-08-09, 12:30
hi plz could someone help me when i take a big breath in i get a sharp stabbing pain in my back between my shoulders and some times under ribs and bottom of the back.I have been up half the night worried.I went to my doctors a few wks back and she said it sounded like muscle pain.Im worried thou it is something to do with my lungs.any body else get this?xx

31-08-09, 15:38

I pulled a muscle in my chest once and it felt like I was having a heart attack. It went away like any muscle pain in a few days. You can do it without even realising it. Its more than likely a pulled muscle. Try not to worry, the more tense your musles are the more it hurts. Hope it gets better soon. Have a hot bath and see if that helps.

31-08-09, 16:33
hi sam, i got the same feeling at the moment!! when i take a deep breathe i get stabbing and puling feeling in my shoulder and to the left of my breast and in my rib all at the same time, mine is all on my left side, i to have been worrying its my lungs or heart. But ive been assured its more like a pulled muscle, so im trying to convince myself it is but thats easier said than done!!! just thought id let u know that ive got a similar thing. hope it goes away soon for you 2. take care, debs xx

31-08-09, 17:09
It may be a muscle spasm from your back that radiates around to the front of your chest - a symptom of tension?

31-08-09, 18:14
I Have Been Keeping Busy And It Goes Away ,thanks So Much For Replying X

01-09-09, 20:43
Glad it is going away, Sam. From what I have read, a lot of (if not most) back pain can be explained by stress and tension. I have had my share over the past few months. I have been reading "Healing Back Pain" by Dr. Sarno, and it is helping a lot.