View Full Version : Funny head

31-08-09, 12:49
Hi for the last 4 days ive had a headache and now feels like an ache on the top of my head tablets dont really seem to do much but that could be me focusing on the pain sometimes it feels like im wearing a cap and others its painful. I dont suffer with headaches im just worrying its a brain tumor or bloodclot something like that. My girlfriend says its tension but I dont usualy suffer with tension headaches. Ive been under alot of stress recently aswell I start uni in september and my best friend has been injured in Afganistan im not really to sure what to do at the moment just want this headache to go :(.

31-08-09, 13:26
I get the feeling i got a cap on, well most times i do but ya no :roflmao:

Also feels like something is stuck on my forehead just right across my eye brows :huh:

31-08-09, 13:32
yeah i had that feeling across my forehead to sucks :( ive had brain tumor tests done about 2 years ago and had that camera thing at the opticians to check behind ur eyes all come back clear. still conviced its a tumor though

31-08-09, 16:22
Hi Shirtie. I get those same weird feelings in my head too. If you scroll through the post, your probably find one of mine asking almost the same question. Everyone tells me it's tension too. Sounds like you are going through a lot, and I bet that is what is causing all this. Just stay calm, and try not to google. I know it's hard, because that is my biggest fear too. I hope you are feeling better!


31-08-09, 18:04
Thanks for the message :) ive had alot of tension before in the past mainly in my chest get alot of chest pains but tension headache is new to me ! so finding it strange hard to cope with im trying not to google ! gotta go and visit my friend in hospital now so very anxious about that at the moment and my head feels like its in a vice ! :(

01-09-09, 11:50
hey all went to the doctors this morning checked for pressure in my head said that was fine he said to me classic signs of a tension headache suppose there is a first for everything never really had one before anyone know of any good ways to manage it ?