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31-08-09, 13:04

I wondered if anyone who has had a baby within the last year would mind sharing any changes that they have noticed in their bodies ...not so much size or shape though!

I mean like feeling hot all the time or agitated or reflux/indigestion,pale skin and being able to see veins really clearly......spots...

Also dry skin that is hard on feet? sorry

Anyone relate to any of these things?

Stressing again!!!


31-08-09, 13:37
I didn't have a baby within the last year but had one the year before and my body is different in so many ways, all of which I think is completely normal after child birth. My skin is different, my hair is different, I get indigestion which I never used to get, get loads more stomach upsets and colds, the list could go on and on......!! Is there anything in particular you are worried about?

31-08-09, 13:55
Thanks so much for your answer.

I am worried about my skin being almost transparent on my legs and being able to see my veins so clearly through it. Also i am ( sorry...) more hairer than before, the hair on my legs is really thick and black...its gross and i have to wax it because shaving doesnt last long at all with this hair.
Also i seem to get really hot all them time....kind of like when i was actually pregnant ....just like where ever i go I am too hot...?

Also i get these horrible painfull tiny blisters on the sides of my feet.....they seem to be linked to my period and when they dry up my skin goes all cracked where they were. There isnt loads but usually about two each month.

Also i get a really tickly irritated nose all the time ........

Sorry, bet your sorry you replied now!!


31-08-09, 16:13
Hi Lisa. My sister is pregnant right now, and she has every single symptom you put on here. It's probably your hormones still out of whack. They say it can take up to a year to get back to normal after having a baby. My sister's feet are so bad, I almost panicked for her. They were dry, cracked, and looked purple. They just looked horrible. I told her I was going to take her to get a pedicure. :D Hope you get to feeling better.


31-08-09, 23:36
Hey Lisa, have you ever heard of Planters warts? I wonder if that is what is on ur feet? Also, the girl at my work that just had a baby is having ALL of the same things! She told me she had hot flashes like a 45 year old and her veins on her legs r so bad she'd never wear another bikini. She gained a lot of weight. Rememebr, some things just happen and not evry symptoms is one of HIV! Some things just happen cause ur human not cause ur sick.