View Full Version : Not going to the toilet regualr

31-08-09, 14:17
Not a very nice topic to talk about I know ha :roflmao:

I actually haven't been for a number 2 for 6 days now. And before that I wasn't going regular either. It is always soft (Been like it for about 2 years maybe)

Should I go to the doctors about it?

By the way Im not feeling constipated, I just don't have the need to go. Surely its not right to have gone 6 days?

Sorry for the not so nice topic lol.

31-08-09, 14:26

My bro has this, he only goes like once a week, yes once a week :roflmao:

And (this may sound horrid) it's always hard to flush apparently :roflmao:

I wouldn't worry to much.

31-08-09, 14:31
Unless your uncomforatble (have a stomach ache) I wouldn't worry too much about it. There are some people who only go once a week - and yes, your stool should be soft.

31-08-09, 15:33
Stool soft? I poop bricks! :roflmao:

But seriously unless you're feeling some sort of pain, this is probably a non-factor. If you want to make yourself go I'd just go out and binge on some mexican food for a night, that'll make you go with ease!

31-08-09, 16:38
hi there, im not a regular person either. i can go 5-7 days without going, and then i could go once a day for a few days, but on an average i go every 4-6 days. and like others have said if u arent geting any tummy pains etc then u should be ok. everyones bowel habits are totally different. take care, debs xx