View Full Version : It returned

14-10-05, 14:43

I don't know what to do - I have had a major panic attack today after a panic free six months - I am having repeat attacks and I don't know what to do.

My adreelin is on high and I cannot get it back under control - I don't even think I can do teh school run in half an hour the first time again in over six months.

Any advice to keep it real :-)

14-10-05, 14:53
Hi Angie,
I am sorry you feel so bad, i have no advice on why this problem has come back with a vengeance but, you have been here before and felt like this before and managed to do the school run, make sure you are breathing correctly, that you have eaten/drunk plenty, you will be fine, you may feel awful and uncomfortable, but you will do it! Because you feel so bad the thought of having to go out is making it a hundred times worse, it will soon be over and you can settle down with the kids for a 'relaxing week-end' Play your music loud in the car (i assume you are travelling by car?) sing, anything to distract yourself, i promise you will be fine, please take things easy and keep in touch xxxxx

14-10-05, 14:57
do you have any lavender oil and rescue remedy for a quick fix to get the school run over with? hope you feel better, remember breathe in faith, breathe out fear

"Ther goes the fear, let it go. You turn around and life's passed you by, you look to those you love to justify...there goes the fear."

14-10-05, 15:29
hi Angie,

I hope you're feeling a little better now. It's probably just one of those days where things just don't work out. Do let us know how you're getting on..

Sarah :D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

14-10-05, 16:17
Hey Angie,

Really sorry to hear you are having a blip. You know how much i relate to the school thing. How did you get on today? Was it ok?

Whenever i am feeling that school is getting on top of me, i always remember how hard it was for you, and how you did overcome it. You have just gotta put today down to an off day, and not let it affect next weeks school runs.

You can always text me again, if it distracts you!! Your texts always helped me!!

tracy x x

Every time you avoid your fears they become stronger,every time you face your fears they become weaker.

14-10-05, 16:42
Hi guys

Well the drama appears to be over - I just don't think I have been exercising enough since the kids went back to school sat in front of my PC all day.

I did 15 mins on the bike before I left for the school run and was 100% fine also went shopping for tea again 100% fine so I guess it is a long overdue blip - in fact feel so calm now (don't shoot Meg) just done my BP and pulse which are 112/75 and pulse 75...think I needed to get a bit of adrenalin out!!!!!

Onwards and upwards eh - thank you all again [:o)]

14-10-05, 16:44
Ahem.... and what about the out of the blue bit please..

14-10-05, 16:44
Hey Angie,

Thats good news. glad you can see it for what it is - a blip!

Onward and upward for sure!

Take care

tracy x x

Every time you avoid your fears they become stronger,every time you face your fears they become weaker.

14-10-05, 17:09
hi Angie,

glad you saw it for what it was - just a blip! hey you've had panic attacks before, you know the drill.. and hey, you might have another one in 6 months but so what?! you know how to handle it.. you are the one in control now!

you did great!!


"do not fear to hope...Each time we smell the autumn's dying scent, we know that primrose time will come again"

14-10-05, 18:18
LOL - just got what meant Meg [8D]

Yes indeed I do have to confess the attack today was not totally a surprise I had decided to cure my fear of climbing high flights of stairs by prooving to myself that I had nothing to fear - so did without warm up and with nobody else in the house run up and down my stairs three times - hence the first attack [:I]

I now see the errors of my way...deserved it really!

Thank you so much again for all the wonderful support - back on track this evening [^]

14-10-05, 18:49
Glad all is well now Angie especially with school run.

You've done well this afternoon to get back on track so fast.

Meg xx

14-10-05, 21:00
Hi Angie,
Just read your post and wanted to say I'm glad you managed to overcome the p.a.'s and well done.

Hope you're doing ok apart from that.

Take care,
Love, Linda.xxx

15-10-05, 08:08
Hi Angie,
I am sorry to hear that you were feeling rotten but am glad that it has passed.
Take Care

16-10-05, 03:23
Sorry you had a blip, but GLAD you got over it! The same thing happened to me a few weeks ago - I caught a 24 hour bug, and had my first big PA in about 18 months. But - it went away as soon as the virus left. Isn't it great to have come this far?!?!

Good work!


It is better to be a free bird than a captive king...