View Full Version : scratchy throat

16-01-04, 05:25
Does anyone else have a persistent scratchy throat in the morning? Then by lunch it's gone? I keep freaking out cuz I feel my throat then think every little bump in the is a cancerous lump or something? Lately my mind has been going crazy with all these diseases there are!! Just wondering if anyone else get's a scratchy throat type feeling?

16-01-04, 11:15
hi jr
i sometimes get up with a lump in throat,which i then think is going to get bigger and bigger until i cant breathe,then as soon as i start to panic about it i find it really difficult to swallow!!!
but as soon as i get busy getting the kids organised i calm down and forget about it.
love em xxx

17-01-04, 11:02
Hello JR

I sometimes get like this too. I have found that it happens for one of two reasons

1. I am anxious about something
2. I have had a late night/been in a smoky pub, and have got a bit of catarh which is running down the back of my throat.

I sip water, herbal tea and suck mints for 1 and 2, and take a Mucron or similar if it's 2.

Also sleeping with the window ajar helps, as does having the radiator quite low.


17-01-04, 22:20
great post charlie,

its a good idea,for anyone,suffering anxiety,to put a small bottle of mineral water,next to the bed..for added benefit,add a few drops of bach rescue,to the water.

anxiety,quite often,dries the mouth,and throat,whilst we sleep...upon wakening,sip the mineral water,in fact,have a good swig...go to bathroom,and blow your nose...happens to everyone,especially those that smoke....best wishes..bryan.