View Full Version : Panic attacks & employment

sarah bumble
31-08-09, 17:24

I'm at my wits end and i've come across this site (which i'm really pleased about as it looks fantastic and just what i've needed for years!)

I've suffered from panic attacks for five years, i managed to get them under control and learned to cope with them and understand myself and what i was feeling.

However, everythings just been turned upside down. my employeer has displaced me (which as some may appreciate is a big negative as far as control is concerned).

I was just wondering if anyone had any advise about panic attacks and the DDA? I have asked for compassion with placing me in a my new role, but this hasn't been given, instead i've been told i'll just have to deal with it.

I'm not sure if this is something that anyone can help with or if i've done this right thing asking this on here? i'm just really struggling and do not know what to do anymore!


31-08-09, 19:02
You know someone said the same thing to me once ! (deal with it ), I could have punched them , But i did deal with it ,and i often say that to myself now :) . I know its all comfy and cosy stickin to the routine , but also feels great to break the habit ;)