View Full Version : dentist to be continued

14-10-05, 16:41
Hello all,
thank you for your kind words.
well the appointment went ok. had to have a temporary filling. have to go back in two weeks time to find out weather or not the tooth has to go.
so the anxiety will have to wait till then. im trying not to think about it.
still gets to you abit though. i had one tooth out 4 years a go but i had to be sedated, and i cant remember that day at all. i've lost a whole day do not wish to do that again.
Anyways, i got through it, just a bit shakey.


14-10-05, 19:30

Glad it went ok for you today.

It would be better if you added to the end of the previous post as not everyone will have read it. It is here.

Scared of dentist appointment today (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5862)


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

14-10-05, 19:34
hi twiglet
well done you should be so pound of your self you have done so well i hate the dentist and i hadn't gone for years but i had a really bad toothache so i had to go , i had to have my tooth out i was so scared but it was so quick and it really didn't hurt now i would rather have a tooth out then a filling so well done you , and if you do need to have your tooth out it really wont be that bad since then i have had a filling with out a jab ,
WELL DONE:D[^][8D]:D[^][8D] take care denisexx


15-10-05, 07:59
Hi Twiglet, [^]
Well done for going to the dentist, I am really proud of you.
Good luck for next time, I hope it goes well for you...

Take Care

16-10-05, 14:36
well done twiglet, you did well. ive got the dentist on tuesday and already iam shaking . the way try to get through it is by saying to myself in 20mins iam on my way home .20mins is nothing if you look at the bigger scale of things. still pleased you did though x

17-10-05, 07:34
well done! when you go back just think i been here before and did it .

I had a tooth out a year ago and didnt feel a thing, I was very surprised.

Just think of your dentist as your friend helping you feel better.
