View Full Version : What do you say to yourself to help you cope?

Anna C
31-08-09, 18:58

Although I'm improving my anxiety can still be high before I leave the house at certain times of the day and sometimes just getting outside the door is very difficult. Also when I am outside I still sometimes panic and find it hard to relax and calm down.

I was wondering what helps other people when they are having a bad day what do you say to yourself that helps you to cope, that gives you courage or helps you to be calm and relaxed and stops you from having a PA? I do use positive self talk to help me and it does help. Does anyone have any inspiring quotes, words of wisdom or tips that have helped them, that they could pass on to me and anyone else who reads this.
Thank you. Anna x

31-08-09, 20:06
i take deep breaths whilst saying to my self as i breathe in ... I -am-calm-and -in control ... then i breathe out again for the time it takes to repeat this phrase in my head... works well for me x