View Full Version : Seperation Anxiety

31-08-09, 19:16
I suffer from alot of mental health problems, mainly agoraphobia and extreme social phobia to the point where being with my own family always causing awful panic and i dont have friends.

My fiance has gone over to his parents house today (an hour and half away), i've been crying so much and having panic attacks, hyperventilating, feeling sick ect.

On Saturday (it's now Monday) he's going to his best friends wedding a 4 hour drive away. He's leaving here about 8am and he'll not back home until after 1am.
This is causing me so much distress, i'm a crying and panicky wreck, i just don't know what to do.

Going with him is not an option, i can't manage the travelling, and it's too late to book a hotel now now anyway.

I read a silmilar post on here about seperation anxiety but the replys said to invite someone over to keep the lady company, something that i cannot do.

I dont even know if theres an answer to this or not, i just dont know what else to do.

thank you for reading xx

31-08-09, 19:49
oooooh sweetheart i know this one all too well,,im aggie too plus social and many other phobias,,lol,,what i do when hubby goes out and everyone else too which doesnt happen often but does at times,,,i can get very stressed and yes someone else in my house just would make it all the worse,,,i try chatting on msn,,i know its not the same as having someone you trust with you,,but it really helps me,,,plus i used to leave big brother on in the background,,it was like people talking with soothed me,,dont think its on now though,,try a chat show,,or radio,,also if you find sitting in your bedroom helps when you go through the really panicky stress do it,,i get under a blanket,,have my dogs on the bed with me watch dvds,,till im calm then find i can do chores before i know it hubbys back,,hope your ok theresa x

02-09-09, 09:01
Separation anxiety is a fairly common anxiety disorder that affects children and young adolescents.This anxiety results from separation or impending separation from the child's attachment figure. As defined, this condition affects children younger than 18 years and occurs over a period of at least 4 weeks.Characteristic features of Seperation Anxiety include severe distress, fear, or worry leading to impairment of functioning and frequently accompanied by somatic symptoms.

02-09-09, 18:56
Thank you for replying, and for the advice Teez, it's a good idea having the tv on in the background, i do this too. I've been preparing tv shows to watch, i've got about 10 loose womens recorded, 2 emmerdale omnibus' (i don't usually watch it but find it quite familar and comforting and 3 neighbours omnibus' to catch up on.
My fiance is also making all my meals for me before he goes and putting them in the fridge to take the pressure out of making them myself cos i'l be too panicky.
I think i'l end up spending most of the day in bed watching my Friends dvd's (they are highly comforting) and with the laptop to keep me occupied.
I'm dreading it, and i know it's going to be a really long and lonely day but i also know that i dont have to worry about it again. On Monday when i was on my own i was also panic about this coming saturday so atleast i know if i can get through that day it wont be happening again.

My mum is also letting me borrow her dog, i've only met Benji a few times so not sure if he;ll settle but it should be comforting having him in the house wandering around just for some company.

I expect i'll be making some posts here too if i get too bad, mainly asking how to calm down.

Thank you again xxx