View Full Version : Going back to uni soon....where it all started

31-08-09, 21:29
Hey guys, Im still new to the panic/anxiety, i had my first panic attack 5 months ago while in uni, was totally out of the blue, and as everyone can relate to - i thought i was going to die there and then. They kept gettin worse and more frequent, especially over my exam period which never helped. Had to miss one of my final exams because of them, and had to struggle doing a late take earlier this summer.
The first half of the second year went really well for me grades wise, since i started having the panic attack, my grades went down wayyy to low for my liking - i stopped going to lectures etc and now i will be going into my third and final year, the most important, im worried this will hold me back and i wont do good.
Luckily the panic attacks have calmed down a lot, and the last 2 weeks have been great :) all through my summer off uni ive been batteling with new symptoms of anxiety, but now im feeling good im worried it will all kick off again when i go back
I was wondering if anyone has any tips on how to reduce the anxiety feelings and how to prevent having panic attacks again. Or just ways to avoid them re-occuring again? or happen less frequently?
Many Thanks

31-08-09, 22:05
Hey, panic caused me to scrape through last year at uni too, more positive about this year, hopefully!

Just try to stay on top of things, I panic about my workload when I've let it pile up, so keeping control of things and being organised has helped my anxiety.

Avoid caffeine and heavy drinking, drink cammomile, lavender oil is relaxing, and valerian tablets help. The key, I think, is to remain calm enough so that the panic doesn't kick off in the first place.

If you find it feels better to talk to someone about what's making you anxious, I think all universities have easily accessable counselling services.

Good luck!

31-08-09, 22:10
Awww Thank you so much :) Ive noticed i drink a farrr lot more when in uni, which never helps the next day, so will have to change that..... will take your advise thank you :) I also worry with the workload, so will have to keep on top this year.
Thanks again, much help :)