View Full Version : dental infection plz reply

01-09-09, 00:26
Hi the last few days i have been on dalacin-c for a infection.About 5 0f my teeth are crumbs because i am so afraid of the dentist.i noticed on my medicine it said for severe infections.Im not in a lot of pain now but it still aches a bit,and i read on google you can die from dental infections.im really panicky plz reply

01-09-09, 00:27
i am on 4 aday 150mg and only have two days left x(sorry i forgot that bit)

01-09-09, 00:44
I had a tooth infection once, my face swelled up a bit and I had a fever and went on antibiotics for a week.
you know you can get sedated nowadays so the dentist can work on your teeth.
how are you doing on the antibiotic so far?

01-09-09, 11:32
hi mishel its my last day on the antis today i only had 5 days it doesnt hurt but aches a bit ,im worried i will get blood poising or something bad

01-09-09, 11:45
Hi Sam
firstly i'll admit to not having a dental phobia but i do have a phobia and know how frightening things can become.
I have had probebly the worst problems with my teath than most due to health problems from years ago, i have some very very bad infections over the years and NEVER not EVER did i get blood poisoning or anything else from them, the fact you are taking anti biotics will protect you from most things anyway, but your mouth is quite a remarkable place as is saliva you would be amazed at how your own saliva can protect you, please try and settle down you won't get anything that serious i'm sure, as for your teeth i'm sure you will know deep down that the best treatment lies within the dentists hands, now i know that thought is very frightening to you, but trust me i have had so much work done over the years truely what i THOUGHT would be quite terrible and painful but it wasn't, dentists are very well aware of fear and have so many techniques now to deal with things, please try to speak to yours and get the help you deserve :)

01-09-09, 11:46

I have had a few tooth infections, and in fact i am just back from the dentist this morning with a course of antibiotics, i have a crown , but the tooth underneath ,the root has a slight fracture, and now i have an infection in my gum.i am not in a lot of pain, more a niggle off an on, but i have had an infection before where i had unbearable pain, that even pain killers couldnt shift, and nothing bad happened, i just had to persevere with the antibiotics and it settled down.
dont read too much into the ' severe infection' bit, if you have 5 teeth that need antibiotic treatment , you are going to need something that is up to the job, and remember if an infection was so severe and was a cause for concern you would be needing intravenous antibiotics and not oral ones.
Since this is your last day on the tabs, if you think that there is still infection present, phone the dentist, its possible they will extended the course or give you an another antibiotic.
Mishel is right they do sedation these days for people like yourself, maybe its worth thinking about when you need further treatment.

Good luck

P x

01-09-09, 15:36
hii everyone my mouth isnt hurting,my ear is a bit achy thou i went doctors and she said it was probely cos of my tooth which makes sense.In the day time i can focus on things but at nite my mind runs riot with all the bad things that could happen.thanks so much for your replys, it really does mean a lot to me x

Cell block H fan
01-09-09, 18:50
hii everyone my mouth isnt hurting,my ear is a bit achy thou i went doctors and she said it was probely cos of my tooth which makes sense.In the day time i can focus on things but at nite my mind runs riot with all the bad things that could happen.thanks so much for your replys, it really does mean a lot to me x

Dont panic. My son had antibiotics from the dentist this year & he made a full recovery. The ear ache will be because the jaw is connected to the ear remember. Ear, nose & throat (ENT) all in close proximity :)

01-09-09, 19:12
I Know Just Had To Think Normally When Your Jumpy,thanks Thou

01-09-09, 19:30
hiya iv had a dental infection but with my mum nearly dying it made me go to the dentist
sorry to scare you but my mums had been playin up for years i panic so much with a little tooth ache
keep with the antibiotics and that will take it away

01-09-09, 19:40
I get so worked up,i cant stop worrying x

01-09-09, 21:07
i am so scared,my face isnt puffy or anything,surely that is a good sign?

01-09-09, 23:38

Go to the dentist, promise you they dont hurt anymore(just had 14 teeth out) they can give you mild sedation a pill thats all and all will be fine:yesyes:

I have the worst dental phobia ever and I coped

PM me if you want to

Kaz x xx:hugs: