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01-09-09, 01:00
Hi I'm new here. I have been suffing from panic attack for a few years now, doctor prescribed me 45mg of mirtazapine to control it, just lately though its been happening again and they are horrible. I get a tingling left hand/arm, automatically think im gonna have a heart attack, lose my breath and then nearly pass out. Really dont know what to do, even whilst im typing this i have to get up, walk around, sit back down again, get up etc just to stop me from passing out.

How can i possible live with this, its unbearable.

01-09-09, 09:17
Hiya and Welcome,
I am pretty new to the whole panic attack thing, but just remind yourself that it is only panic and this too shall pass!
Sorry i cant be much help.

01-09-09, 10:39
Hi there and welcome,

I'm also a sufferer of panic attacks and I agree that they are horrible. What I try to do when I start to get one is when my heart starts pounding I remind myself that my heart is a good heart and that its strong and that its only doing its job beating away, and pretty soon it starts to slow down. I hope that if you try this, that it works for you.

Also, I also carry a tiny bottle of Bach's Rescuse Remedy (available from tescos, boots and on this site) and when I feel the panic start i put four drops onto my tongue and this has helped me to stop having an attack also.

Remember that there are always people here on this site who understand what your going through and will listen to you. You're doing really well and remember to tell yourself that each day.

Take care of yourself,
Joanne :hug: