View Full Version : Please Please Help.

01-09-09, 02:19
OK. I have been here before about my PVCs and thanks to NMP and it's wonderful members, I don't fear them anymore. :hugs: Today was/is different. I am due to get my period any day now, so I am sure it doesn't help, but my PVCs kicked up after being absent for a couple of weeks. I had my morning decaf coffee (maybe it wasn't :ohmy: ) and within half an hour the PVCs kicked up and they have been going on all day. Here's my issue:

When I get PVCs sometimes, I get sleepy and have muscle tension. I also get pain in my left breast area. I know heart attack pain is centered and higher up, and I also know that my period is due so breast tenderness is an option as well. I just want to know what other symptoms you get during PVCs. It would be helpful to know that I am not alone. Oh and everytime one happens, I get this funny "wave" of weirdness through my body. (Probably adrenalin)

01-09-09, 04:50
I am a male and don't have all of that women thing going on but I do get PVC's quite a bit. I especially get them like they are timed every night before I go to bed and then sometime I get them when I eat and sometimes when I don't eat. I guess I have been getting them everyday for almost 55 years.

Of course I didn't know what they were until I was about 20 but they still scared me. You are definitley not alone. I write a cardiologist about everyday on another website and not only does he tell me the same thing he tells everyone that they are not.. ..Well I tell you what Ill just post here what he says .,He is a retired cardiologist and I trust him but still get nervous. Here is what he says Skipped beats are normal heart activity, no threat to life or health in someone with normal EKG and echo. About half of us have them, they are easy to understand as normal from knowledge of the heart's electrical system, and they don't mean you will ever get heart disease or any catastrophe. They are truly harmless. Anxiety and panic make them more frequent. You need not be concerned at any specific time. They never become dangerous. Hope this helps. Michael

03-09-09, 00:48
Thank you so much! It's nice to know I'm not alone and that they are just a silly little thing that happens. They have gone away for now, but I suppose being anxious about them coming back will only make them happen :blush: . My goal is to not even worry about it. Thanks again for that. :hugs: