View Full Version : The Pill or paranoid?

01-09-09, 07:35
I know this is probably more of a yahoo answers question, but I thought maybe someone here could help more (And I'm not really in the mood to be called a wh0re tonight :doh: lol ) (PS - Sorry if this is the wrong category)

My doctor put me on Ortho Tri (Gle--??) Lo almost a year ago for irregular periods and I took it for 5 months but due to cost issues I went off it. I do remember the first month being a little weird trying to get use to it but after that I didn't really have a problem.
She put me back on a Generic kind and I'm in my second week and since pretty much day one of taking it, it's been unbearable. I can't sleep, I've been having random cry moments, I keep having weird and bad dreams, mood swings, and pretty much your all around fun stuff of depression and anxiety.

Do you think the pill has been screwing me with me OR is it just the thought of being on it thats causing these issues? I've read everywhere the first month is always difficult but this really is not working for me at all.

I'm too the point now where I do not want to take it anymore, however according to her I have to be on something so even if I go off this she's going to put me on something else.

I want to call her but I'm not sure what to say. I feel like she'll just tell me to wait it out but it's literally been 9 days of this and maybe I'm just a baby, but it's scaring me with what's been going on.

Any input on this? (Btw it's 2:30 AM here, because I woke up from a WEIRD and bad dream...like I understand bad dreams sometimes...but this one was just a big WTF? LOL)

01-09-09, 09:44
Hello there :)

Firstly, cost issues, gah. I read that and am glad I live in the UK.

Secondly, the pill can trigger depression, anxiety, mood swings and all kinds of unpleasant things.

There are lots of different kinds of pill though, so you could give one of the others a try, the depo injection was what really sorted my periods, but they don't like you to be on it for more than 3 years, but talk to your doc and see what they reccomend.

01-09-09, 13:37
I ahve had the same problems with pills too recently . My hormones are really disrupting my life so I tried pills to try and level things out but i dont seem to be able to tolerate them at all.

Either i get depression symptoms or physical weirdness.

Sounds like the one you took before has three levels? like three different levels of pills? I think that then its less harsh on your system than the type that are the same the whole month through.... By generic are you meaning the same one but not a brand name? I dont think that the pill manufacturer being different would make a difference because the ingredients will be the same. But if you mean that it isnt three levels then i would think that they might effect you badly because they will probably be alot stronger hormone levels over all and especially as the first one you took has 'lo' in the title.

Hope you get it sorted......its all a totaly nighmare i know!!

Who called you a who*e?
