View Full Version : Out of Hospital

01-09-09, 08:36
I don't know if some of you remember but a little while ago I made a post concerning going into hospital. Well I decided to do it and it was the best thing I could have done. They did an EEG and discovered that I have Panic Disorder and Bipolar - what a fricking combination!
Anyway, they have got me stabilised on meds - around about 6 or 7 different ones (which will become less as time goes by) - and i feel really good and as if I can take on the world again. I know that I am by far not out of the woods yet, but i finally see a light at the end of my very dark tunnel (albeit a little dim, a light none the less).
Hope you are all well!
Lots of Love
Mel :yesyes:

01-09-09, 08:46
Hiya Mel,

I'm really pleased that your hospital stay has had good results for you. It's great that you know what you're dealing with and are feeling positive!

Wend :hugs:

01-09-09, 18:19
Thats fantastic, you must be so relieved now you have a diagnosis and are getting the help you needed.
Well done for finding the courage to go to hospital.:yesyes:

Glad you are feeling really good:hugs:


01-09-09, 18:26
Hi Mel

Glad you are making progress, and all with a positive outlook, well done

Take care

P x:flowers:

01-09-09, 19:25
Hi Mel,

I'm quite new to this site and wanted to ask you a question. Firstly though i'm so glad you have a diagnosis and are feeling better, (albeit a little).

I have been diagnosed with acute anxiety disorder, and have been put on Citalopram. It's been 4 weeks now and I feel even worse, and I think it's as a result of the tablets. Am going to therapist tomorrow so I guess i'll just explain everything to him. What medication are you taking if you don't mind me asking?


01-09-09, 19:33
Hi Madeleine,
Well currently I am on a huge cocktail - zoloft, wellbutrin, lamictal, seroquel, and Xanor. They are trying to find the right mix to treat both my Panic and Bipolar. I'm going back to the PDoc for a follow up on Friday, so who knows it might change up again. I will definitely keep you posted.

01-09-09, 19:38
Thanks Mel, hope you didn't mind me asking. I'm so pleased that you are starting to feel better. Makes me feel better too!

Take care matey and good luck on Friday.x